Pitches Episode 31 - Trad Boy Wife

The following Transcripts are a.I. generated and their accuracy cannot be 100% confirmed.

Olivia: I'm, uh. I'm pouring one out. I'm pouring one out.

Tyler: For who?

Olivia: For our dear friend Joey Chestnut.

O'Neill: The glizzy guzzler has fallen. What happened?

Olivia: The Glizzy guardian has fallen.

O'Neill: The Glizzy guardian is the glizzy guardian of the galaxy.

Olivia: They're not coming. We're on our own.

O'Neill: We're fucked, Joey. We're fucked.

Tyler: I can't wait for the Nathan's hot dog eating contest when everyone is looking at

the Nathan's hot dog stand, and it's just like, eight people we don't know, and then the

portal opens, and Joey Chestnut steps out, and it's gonna be hype as fuck.

Olivia: Rips his shirt open. There's just this Joey on his m. Yeah, exactly.

Tyler: Exactly.

Olivia: He, like, rips open his shirt, and it's just a hot dog. It doesn't matter what they say

it doesn't matter what they do we're gonna do it anyway cause you and me we got it

and we gonna break through no one's gonna keep us down it doesn't matter if we fall

not afraid to stay in love with you and me we got it and we're gonna have it all

everything is going my way let me get going my way.

O'Neill: You're traveling through another Podcast. A Podcast not only of sight and

sound, but of mind. A journey into a wondrous podcast whose boundaries are that of,

uh, imagination. At the signpost up ahead, your next stop, the fucking pitch Podcast.


Tyler: Hello.

O'Neill: Welcome to the fucking pitch Podcast. Podcast. A Podcast for podcasters by

podcasters. I'm your spooky man and podcaster, O'Neil Henry.

Tyler: I am co host and man whose glasses broke in the apocalypse, Tyler Jaker.

O'Neill: Cara.

Olivia: And I'm Olivia Fumioti, and I've been dead for 40 years.

O'Neill: Welcome to the fucking pitch Podcast. Podcast. A Podcast for podcasters by

podcasters where every single week, not every single week, but we try for every single


Olivia: Every single time we upload.

O'Neill: Every single time we upload, we bring you or pitch you brand new and lucrative

Podcast innovations. We're pitching each other podcasts today.

Olivia: Boings, how much money have we made on this one so far?

O'Neill: This one?

Olivia: Yeah.

O'Neill: Let me check the books. Oh, don't want to look at that. Gotta go jump off the

Empire State Building. Anyway, next question. Let me do a great depression themed

one. Let me put that on the top for the next one, guys.

Olivia: The stock market guys.

O'Neill: How's everybody doing today?

Olivia: I've been dead for 40 years. You tell me.

O'Neill: Well, Tyler, where are you going?

Tyler: I finally have enough time to read all my books.

Olivia: The scary door.

Tyler: The scary door.

Olivia: The scary door.

O'Neill: The scary door behind it.

Tyler: There's like a monster or an alien or something. The first one.

Olivia: One of my first and earliest memories, if not my first memory of meeting Tyler,

was I was going in for an audition for a show that we will not talk about. And we had.

We had a. We both had the same sticker that was like, I'm a mom against vaping, or

like a D 20 that said, I guess I'll die, but that you also had a sc. Did you have a scary

door sticker on your laptop? No, I'm thinking of someone else, but.

Tyler: I did have a scary door sticker on my laptop.

Olivia: Okay. Yes. So I'm correct. So this is my first memory of Tyler J. Kakara. Our first

meeting. I was trying to impress Tyler so bad. All right.

Tyler: One time in the line for the what's the tower of terror, I recited the every line of the

scary door to my wife and cousin that they told me to shut up.

O'Neill: Okay, all right.

Olivia: Was it Rob?

O'Neill: I'm glad we're bringing that energy here.

Tyler: To the fucking pitch in an enigma wrapped in question.

Olivia: Yeah, I could see why Rob would tell you to shut up.

O'Neill: Why'd you just call it? Why'd you just call me? All right, let's spin this fucking


Olivia: Goddammit.

O'Neill: You called me an enigma.

Olivia: What a hoa.

O'Neill: And The Wheel of choosing or spin it.

Tyler: Perhaps it's aliens.

O'Neill: Going up first is first is Tyler. Are you an alien or just black carrots?

Tyler: All right, you sick bastards, you finally made me do it.

O'Neill: No.

Tyler: You asked me to record when I wasn't ready, and you,


Tyler: you're making me do it. You're making me reach into my bag of tricks.

O'Neill: Oh, no.

Tyler: This is the Pee Pee Poopoo Podcast.

O'Neill: Hold on, hold on. Okay, wait. Time out, time out, time out.

Tyler: You can't time out. The Pee Pee Poopoo Podcast is coming for you.

O'Neill: It's coming.

Olivia: It's not stopping.

Tyler: Oh, God.

Olivia: Oh, God.

O'Neill: Fiber. Somebody get this podcast some fiber. No. Time out. Okay, I want to

litigate this, because I did do this without permission, and I want to make sure that

we're covering this. It doesn't publish an episode of the Pee Pee poopoo piece.

Olivia: It never made it onto our Spotify feed.

O'Neill: It never made it into our Spotify feed.

Olivia: It doesn't exist.

Tyler: So legally, I'm in the clear.

Olivia: Go, Tyler.

O'Neill: Now. Tyler, I do. I am deeply, deeply curious about your concept for the Pee Pee

Poopoo Podcast.

Tyler: This is a toilet review Podcast where. Listen, traveling is difficult. Traveling is hard,

and, uh, one of the hardest things to do while traveling is finding a nice place to do pee

pee poopoo.

O'Neill: Okay, so we're trying to. So this is toilet review Podcast.

Tyler: Toilet review Podcast. This is like, hey, you hear a London, for example. Did you

know that you need to go, the best toilet in central London is the pizza Express. You

know the best toilet. Um, you know what I mean? Like, this is where you need to go.

Olivia: Okay.

O'Neill: Okay, here's.

Olivia: Why isn't there an app for this? Is this a toilet walking tour?

O'Neill: Tim, cook, where you at? There's an app for that.

Tyler: That's the Pee Pee Poopoo Podcast.

Olivia: Okay, so toilet reviews.

O'Neill: Okay, toilet reviews.

Olivia: How is this the peepee poop Podcast? Is it just. It is just. It is verbal reviews.

Tyler: Well, listen, I think we can do segments.

Olivia: Okay.

O'Neill: Okay.

Tyler: Like what?

O'Neill: So we're gonna do gendered and ungendered bathrooms.

Olivia: Yes.

O'Neill: I assume there's a correct answer. Of course.

Tyler: And. Okay, dude, the number of times we have ungendered bathrooms in the

restaurant work at. And the number of times a guy, it's only men will walk in there and

walk out and go, where's the men's room? And I'm like, that's the bathroom, dog.

O'Neill: It's the one you shit in, you sick fuck.

Tyler: It's a pee pee poo poo Podcast. I'm not going anywhere about all things peepee

poo poo. It's about toilet. Maybe toilet reviews is just a second of the fucking pitch.

Maybe that's just part of it. Maybe the other part is innovations in Biden.

O'Neill: That's true. Does anybody have a bidet? We don't have a bidet.

Olivia: I don't either. I want one to have to become a bidet household because two of us

are thinking about getting top surgery, and you can't twist, so.

O'Neill: Oh. So you have to have to blast it. Okay. All right.

Tyler: You have to blast your ass. Olivia.

Olivia: My friend Connor does have a bidet. I could call him. He's probably in sleep. Uh,

he's probably asleep. He gets up.

O'Neill: All right, so we have. We have our toilet review segments.

Olivia: Our public.

O'Neill: Our public confectionery. Nope, that's not the right word. Ew, gross.

Olivia: Gross. Don't, uh, pee on pastry.

O'Neill: Don't pee on pastries. It's true and powerful. And then we have our blaster

segment. More segments for the Peepee Poopoo Podcast.

Tyler: Other segments are all the transitions just.

Olivia: Fart noises, because I think that would be funny.

Tyler: You could talk about the toilets themselves. What's, uh, going on? You know,

we've all seen the bad comedies that have the jokes with the fancy japanese toilets, but

what's actually going on with those cars?

Olivia: To wildly racist film.

O'Neill: Yeah.

Tyler: Carl's cars to racist. Extremely upsetting. Um, you know, we could talk about that.

We can talk about best toilets, bathroom etiquette, toilet cinema.

O'Neill: Uh, okay, this is. There we go. Let's do this. Let's do this. Toilet cinema will put a

pin in that. Let's talk about bathroom etiquette for a second.

Olivia: Okay. Yeah.

O'Neill: You guys talking or what? You guys make a chitchat?

Olivia: Uh, only if something really funny happens that I can, like, then talk about.

O'Neill: Might I say in the bathroom?

Olivia: If it's. If it's. Yeah, if something's, like, a ridiculous part.

Tyler: There'S a really loud part, like a comedically loud part. And then Olivia goes, did

you hear that?

O'Neill: Did you hear the flux on that one? Like.

Olivia: Cause sometimes I do a big yell because I drop things and things and I'm just

like, oh, fuck.

O'Neill: Damn.

Olivia: Don't you hate that? No, I don't do that. I'm terrified of talking to anybody in the


O'Neill: I want the truth. Hey, no more lies. This is only truth.

Olivia: No, I don't. I don't talk in the back unless I'm, like, with friends. And it's like, all the

girls. All the not girls are going to the not girls room. Like, it's.

O'Neill: It's.

Olivia: That is really the only time I talk in the turlet.

Tyler: Might I suggest I know exactly when to talk in the toilet, and that's, uh, in the

trough. Trough. Urinal at a big sports game.

O'Neill: This is something that


O'Neill: I know Olivia definitely doesn't know about. And it's.

Olivia: Stadiums.

O'Neill: Yes.

Tyler: Sometimes there's ice in there.

O'Neill: Sometimes there is ice in there. Oh, that's another thing.

Olivia: I guess he doesn't cook.

O'Neill: It's to keep the fists from overheating. No, it's.

Olivia: Listen. Yeah, maybe.

Tyler: See, this is what I'm saying. We're breaking down barriers.

O'Neill: Yes.

Olivia: I want to know what it's like on the other side.

O'Neill: Okay, first of all, yes. Usually a lot of ice and urinals. Why? To get rid of ice,

maybe? Or is it a bigger government conspiracy?

Olivia: What, do they melt in there? Global warming? Freeze?

O'Neill: Um, no, it's to prevent global warming.

Olivia: It's got to be a smell. It's got to be a non piss cooking situation. Yeah. Just so it

doesn't stay stale, so it's constantly getting watered down, you know?

O'Neill: So the same reason they put it in your margarita.

Olivia: Do you guys get, um, one? Okay, I've asked this question before. Do you guys

get pee tingles?

Tyler: Shivers?

O'Neill: Uh, yeah.

Olivia: Yeah. Apparently that's, like, not a. Not a super common thing in afab people at

all. Okay, so I'm just another. Just another reason that I'm a fucking diamond, because I

get pee shivers. I'm one of.

O'Neill: I think it's only. It's only. It's m only when I hold it for too long.

Olivia: Okay.

Tyler: M so it's always when I write when I'm done peeing, too. You know what I mean?

Olivia: Yes.

Tyler: It's never at the beginning or the.

Olivia: Back end of the.

O'Neill: O'Neil.

Olivia: Yeah.

O'Neill: O'Neil, you're editing this, and, uh, you tell me, is this Podcast hell? Are you in

Podcast hell right now? Tell me. Tell me, O'Neil, speak to me through the timeline.

Olivia: When you guys were little boys, did you ever pick up the urinal cakes?

O'Neill: I never used to get stuck in my teeth. Nothing. This is nothing.

Olivia: And I'm hearing Tyler Podcast.

O'Neill: I'm hearing it. I'm hearing it. Do you hear that?

Olivia: Do you hear that?

O'Neill: That was racist.

Olivia: Is that just not what your thoughts.

O'Neill: Sound like all the time? That's true. Me and Obama, uh.

Tyler: We'Re doing a lot of laughing for something that shouldn't be Podcast, O'Neil, is

all I'm saying.

Olivia: Listen, I'm just. That was just this preview of toilet related discussion, Tyler.

Tyler: Discussion.

Olivia: That's all. Potty talk, baby.

Tyler: Locker room talk.

Olivia: Locker room talk. The Podcast. All the best. All the best parts of locker room

without swinging pee.

O'Neill: Okay, wait, can we pivot? Magolan time. All right, we're McGowan. I'm hitting

you with the Magullan, but I do like where we go.

Tyler: Doing this to me, unless you.

Olivia: Unless.

O'Neill: You.

Olivia: Unless you can come up with a rock solid, like, three segments that we could do

on the pee pee poopoo Podcast, I will have to sanction you. I will have to impose


O'Neill: We're raising this tax rate to fucking 600%.

Olivia: Is this the hill you want to die on? Is this the toilet you want to die on?

O'Neill: Elvis style?

Tyler: Best toilet reading.

O'Neill: Toilet reading. Okay. Okay, sure.

Olivia: Oh, yeah. That's great. Oh, my God. The toilet book club. Love that. Toilet book

club is uncle John's toilet reader. We love Uncle John. His good books.

O'Neill: This is.

Olivia: Well, were the covers anti microbial? I don't know. That's a poo book. That book

was covered.

Tyler: Hey, I've got a little. Hey, I've got a pitch for a new book. This book's gonna.

O'Neill: You read it on.

Olivia: Um, also, there are many, many, many, many, many, many, many words for the

turlet. Mhm. The Oval office. The porcelain throne.

O'Neill: Three more head.

Olivia: The john. The crapper. The shitter.

O'Neill: Okay. All right, sure. I'll give you that one.

Olivia: So there you go. This one was for free.

O'Neill: Thank you.

Olivia: No charge.

O'Neill: Talk about how you have to pay for. Okay, no, I'm not going down this rabbit

hole, Tyler.

Olivia: Now I pay to pee.

O'Neill: Pay to pee.

Olivia: Pay to pee.

Tyler: That's the thing they do in Europe. We could talk about different bathroom

customs. In Europe, you have to pay to use public bathrooms. You keep always going to

keep a quarter on you in case you have to keep that thing on you. O'Neil is not a mean


O'Neill: I'm in hell.


O'Neill: I thought an hour of piss and fart sounds over classical music would be enough

to keep me from hell.

Tyler: You.

Olivia: You have, uh, wild.

O'Neill: I thought I did my good work.

Olivia: Underestimated the power of DQ. This is the toughest thing. We've done a lot of

dumb shit on this show.

O'Neill: Tyler and I were talking earlier about making. Making this show more

accessible, and I don't think there's nothing more.

Olivia: Everybody poofs.

Tyler: Everybody poofs.

Olivia: They read a whole book about it.

Tyler: You know what?

O'Neill: From this day forward, not me. No longer. I'm holding it all in.

Olivia: No more shit, O'Neil. You're gonna live forever. That's a lot of crap.

Tyler: Yeah, well, I'm gonna start hoop related phrases and sayings.

Olivia: Lot of scatological terms that there are in this world.

O'Neill: I hate this so much. I can hear in the background, and I think it's on loop. I think

the Magolan theme is on loop in the background, and I don't know. Yes.

Tyler: It's been so long since we had one, I don't remember. Okay, uh, O'Neil.

O'Neill: God.

Tyler: Let's examine. Why are you so uncomfortable with scatological conversation?

O'Neill: Because that's okay. Here. Here. I'm not comfortable with it.

Olivia: Here, take a seat. There's the hole in the middle. Don't pay attention to that. Take

a seat and really just let it.

Tyler: Guys, you ever sit on the toilet with your pants on? It feels weird.

Olivia: Worst feeling.

Tyler: Top ten worst places.

Olivia: They need to make the top of, like, a toilet seat. Seat cover. They need that to be.

That needs to be way sturdier while I'm taking a seat where it's like, I'm going in, like,

where it's like.

Tyler: You need to sit on the toilet to, like, clip your toenails or something. Oh, Neil, look

at all this great content. We're getting out of the BP.

Olivia: We've been ripping nonstop for, like, ten minutes.

Tyler: Well, it just shows how intelligent eyebrows.

O'Neill: We haven't actually made a Podcast. We've been podcasting. We haven't

crafted a Podcast out of this.

Olivia: You've been pitching, and you've been doing nothing but pissing on it.

O'Neill: Well, that's what I was told to do. All right, by my good.

Olivia: Okay, so if scatological is not the way to go, do we lean peepee?

O'Neill: Is it a choose your own adventure? You can choose at the door. Pee pee or poo


Olivia: These are the two genders, the shewy. They make disposable ones now. They're

made out of cardboard.

O'Neill: Oh, well, it's when it gets cold.

Olivia: Can you feel the pee in your blood?

O'Neill: I think I am more comfortable in the piss zone, if we're being honest.

Tyler: Cause I'm not an underrated part of furiosa piss. Uh, Guy, do you remember piss

Guy and Furiosa?

O'Neill: Now, this is Hollywood Junior, featuring the pee pee poo poo Podcast.

Olivia: This is the segment.

Tyler: He pours a bottle of his own piss into the truck, and he's like, take my piss,

glorious truck, or whatever.

Olivia: I'm, um, gonna hit you with a sanction. I'm gonna try you to the full extent of the


O'Neill: Going to jail. All right, straight to jail.

Tyler: All right, here's the deal. Here's the deal, okay? This is all a ruse. I knew you were

gonna go on me, but I made us talk about it for too long. You can't go back. We've been

talking about the pee pee poo Podcast for 15 years.

O'Neill: Okay, here's the problem, though, Tyler. Here's the problem, though, Tyler. We

don't have show from pee pee poo poo, so it looks like it's.

Tyler: Up to you guys.

O'Neill: You do have to pitch me another Podcast idea, but you don't have to. You don't

have to put any substance in it. And that's sort of your cross of air.

Olivia: I mean, he could die on this. On this, John. This could be where he dies, and

then we just let him suck.

Tyler: I am the Elvis of this Podcast.

Olivia: Yeah.

Tyler: How do you guys feel about, uh, the tmtmtmtm Podcast? I don't know what that

would be.

Olivia: Just that. Just, like, trademark. What's it called?

O'Neill: This is something.

Tyler: That's what I'm saying.

Olivia: This is Podcast.

O'Neill: Now. Okay. Okay. We both interpreted this different way. I was over here thinking

this is how we make sure we trademark all of our ideas and make sure that everything

on, um, m this Podcast. And Olivia just said, I heard a whole bunch of sounds. A whole

bunch. Let me just go ahead and repeat that. So maybe. Is there a way we trademark

sounds and creations, audio creations, and then we just make sure that we have. The

LlC protects me from getting sued, does not do anything else currently.

Olivia: Well, then what the fuck is tmtmtmtmtm?

O'Neill: Uh, I do like the tmtmtm.


O'Neill: Is this what your pitch, Tyler? But tmtmtm. M. How many tm?

Tyler: It sounds like I've. You guys have really clicked with it in a special way.

Olivia: So we weren't just getting. We weren't getting it with the peeboopoopoo Podcast.

O'Neill: We weren't making show with the PvP Podcast. All right, tmtmtm. How many

tms are we talking here?

Tyler: So many. As many as you can fit on a Podcast logo.

O'Neill: I can fit too many is the problem.

Tyler: Three. Three. Three. That seems to be our.

O'Neill: That's our smarter motif, is. Okay, so the tmtmtm Podcast. All right, let me look

this up really quick before we get going.

Olivia: Who would do this other than us?

O'Neill: We're good. We're good. We're good. M. Um, okay, so, Podcast. Okay, I like this.

So, what? What, what? Just off the bat, what are you. What are you thinking? What are

you feeling? What does your heart say about this, Tyler?

Tyler: My heart says that I want to be a rich man, and I want to do it through if I was.

O'Neill: A rich girl.

Tyler: And my heart's telling me that I want it. I want to get rich, not through my own

work, but through the work of others that they have failed to trademark.

O'Neill: Oh, okay. So we look at untrademarked. Okay, okay, okay. I like this, actually. I

like this. We can do. Okay, this one inherently brings itself into segments, right? You

have your public domain segment, right?

Tyler: Yes. Each week we bring. Oh, that's it. Each week we are bringing something that

is untrade marked that we can legally trademark and bring back into the public

consciousness, whether it's public domain or like a random untrade mark thing,

trademark thing. Way to get rich.

O'Neill: AI stuff is completely untrained, marketable. So that's a future. Look, I think you

can have this into past, President, and future, where you do past of, like, things that

have gone into the public domain I don't know what President is. And then future, which

is all AI stuff, is untrade markable. So what do we think the President is for? Tmtmtm.

Tyler: It's a good point, I think.

O'Neill: Do we want to see what things.

Tyler: Tiktoks, tick tocks.

O'Neill: Do we want to create trademark things?

Tyler: Well, if we trademark things, I think we would have done that already.

Olivia: Let's look it up.

O'Neill: How to create a trademark. Trademark your name or logo. Okay, well, I've kind

of already done that.

Tyler: How is this, like, how you people buy websites that they know will be worth

money? You know, like, should we be buying.

O'Neill: Um, that's not a real website.

Olivia: I don't know what is a trademark patent.

Tyler: We should be looking up the next trades and buying website domains.

Olivia: So, I mean, a word or a phrase. So phrase is good.

Tyler: Is there a way to be, like, what movie has been in development hell for, like, five

years? And we can go buy all the website domains related to that movies so that when

it does get.

Olivia: Sky higher.

O'Neill: I think it was sky high. Back to school, but back to school.

Tyler: I want to just trademark podcasts.

Olivia: Yes. Search for existing trademarks. Done. Prepare an application. Huh?

O'Neill: Okay. Okay. So let's do this. So, okay, Tyler, what is one thing you want to

trademark right now?

Tyler: The Podcast. Podcast. Podcast. Do we have a trademark on the fucking pitch?

O'Neill: I don't think so. I know we have all rights reserved. We have copyright, but I

don't think we have trademark. So that's definitely one thing we could trademark. Give

me two other ideas of things to trademark right now. Right now.

Tyler: The pee pee poo poo Podcast.

Olivia: Well, that's just a royal flush right there.

O'Neill: Zing bazinga.

Tyler: Two comedy, uh, points to Olivia.

Olivia: I can finally buy a car.

O'Neill: All right, give me one more, Tyler.

Tyler: Oh, um. Man, that's a great question. What do I own that's worth money?

O'Neill: Um, the j. And your entire j. Yeah, trademarking the j.

Olivia: The j is trademark.

Tyler: You know what's funny is I'm not j anywhere else. This is the only place I'm J.

O'Neill: Well, that's perfect. This is perfect for when we fucking trademark the fucking

pitch. Podcast.

Tyler: When I'm credited in films, it'll be no j.

Olivia: The j. No j. You're really gonna drop the j? Um, but the j.

Tyler: There are no Tyler Carcaras O'Neil.

O'Neill: Okay, but the j is so powerful.

Olivia: Tyler. J. Car. Car. It's just.

Tyler: Well, uh, my IMDb already does not have j in it.

O'Neill: Well, you can fix that real quickly. Split anyway. Okay. So let's. Let's.

Olivia: Let's talk show trademark.

Tyler: So deep and well looked up.

O'Neill: I mean, that part.

Olivia: Hold on. Let me just scroll through it. Done.

O'Neill: Um. Damn.

Tyler: You don't even have to scroll. It all fits on one page.

Olivia: You can trademark that. Burn.

O'Neill: Okay.

Olivia: Ooh, God.

Tyler: Uh, we can trademark you two making fun of me being unnecessarily mean to

your good friend Dylan.

Olivia: I mean, can we. Can we. Can we trademark bullying white men?

O'Neill: I think call her daddy already kind of does that already. Um, has that trade, that

particular trademark.

Olivia: Do you think. Do we think we could get. Because we're not going to get Count

Chocula. No, we can't fight now.

O'Neill: We get Count Dracula Podcast and have it be self and unrelated to the Count

Chocula brand. Now, we will probably have to spell count chocula differently. And we

will probably have to put the word Podcast together. So it'll be count chocolate Podcast.

Is there a way to do that? Hmm.

Olivia: Guys? Uh, yep. Oh, never mind the general mills. Like, if you type in count

chocula.com, it brings you to maintenance dot generalmills.com. so this website is

experiencing unavailable. We perform required. Check back soon. Refresh.

O'Neill: It's cause it's not October, Olivia. Come on.

Olivia: It should be up all year round.

Tyler: That's your Google, booberry.com. and see if it's the same thing.

Olivia: Rankinberry.com.

Tyler: It is the same.

Olivia: It's forbidden.

Tyler: Booberry.com is a new thing.

Olivia: Is there no booberry.com?

Tyler: Custom boxes. Custom. I don't know what this is. This is giving me malware for


O'Neill: Oh, good. All right. Let's make a show. Let's make a Podcast. Let's make a

show. Let's make a Podcast. Let's make a show. Let's make a Podcast.

Olivia: Come up with an original logo and then make it go viral.

O'Neill: Yes. I think that's the middle segment of.

Olivia: This might be our most lucrative podcast yet.

O'Neill: Exactly.

Tyler: Well, any. The podcast could make us $1, Olivia. And it would be.

Olivia: Could we. Could we trademark by podcasters for podcasters. A, uh, Podcast for


O'Neill: I like this. Okay, so this is. This is the fucking pitch, then. This is the fucking

pitch. The TmtMTm Podcast is just us exploring every possible thing. We think we could

Podcast out of this Podcast. Is that what that's not? That could. Whales. We figure out

how to fucking turn that into a trademark. We try to trademark literally every aspect of

this show and figure out how we can turn it into the most lucrative thing for us. Is that

what we want to do.

Olivia: Whales.com is not what I thought it was going to be. Whales.org. now.

Tyler: Now, what is whales.net?

O'Neill: Now, what's whales?

Tyler: You don't want to see what whales.net is.

Olivia: Oh, my God. Us. Whales.org. i love that.

O'Neill: Oh, nice. All right, Tyler, what's your show? Come on. We've been.

Tyler: We've been, uh, carrying the m Podcast.

O'Neill: We just talked about.

Tyler: Are we talking about.

O'Neill: Is the content of this program described it.

Olivia: Yeah, we tried it. We tried to generate as much income off of our current ip.

Okay, good catalog as possible.

O'Neill: Okay.

Tyler: We. It's sort of rebuilding our memory.

Olivia: We have Podcast. It's kind of like, uh. It's kind of like a brother's, uh, best clip

show. And we just try to find our best bits, bring them back into the light, and then put

them in the spotlight to go. Money, please.

O'Neill: Okay, great. I love it.

Tyler: Nothing like making this for new listeners.

O'Neill: Our second least accessible Podcast idea. I love it.

Tyler: And the most accessible Podcast idea would.

O'Neill: Be the Pee Pee Poo Poo Podcast.

Olivia: Listen, we gotta protect our shit from AI, okay? We gotta trademark our shit.

O'Neill: There you go. That's how we'll do it. All right. I love it. All right, moving on. Fuck.


Tyler: What a journey.

Olivia: What a journey.

O'Neill: Call it. Call it what you want. Golly.

Tyler: Professional.

O'Neill: And The Wheel of choosing spins hurt.

Olivia: Are you okay? Get help. Get paid.

O'Neill: Oh, good. I'm glad. All right, fantastic.

Tyler: Me, please have something good this week.

O'Neill: I do. Well, no, but I. Let's, uh. Uh, let's talk about it. I'm gonna kick Joe Biden's

ass, okay? And the only way we can do that is if he remains President. So welcome to

the vote for Joe Biden so we can kick his ass Podcast. Okay, okay, listen. GEN Z! GEN

Z! GEN Z does not want to endorse Joe Biden. I get it. I understand. But we can't let a

34 times convicted felon become President of the fucking United States, all right?

There's nothing we can do.

Olivia: Siri. Play Biden by Bo Burnham.

O'Neill: Exactly. So here's the thing. Uh, Alexandria


O'Neill: Ocasio Cortez put it best. The only opponent we can fight against is one we can

actually fight against. If you've seen the five Freedoms act or whatever the fuck the alt

right is putting up, if Trump becomes President, no more government, no more us, no

more any of it. So, guys, I want to vote for Joe Biden so I can kick his ass. He's been

fucking around and fucking up too much, but I need to vote for him so I can kick his ass

in four years. All right. Okay, so this is the fucking pitch now, is this Podcast?

Olivia: How's this Podcast? Yeah, bring me. Bring me in, set me down, teach me.

O'Neill: First things first. We know that we're not going to get endorsements for Joe

Biden. So this is everything. So this is every other reason why you shouldn't vote for the

other person.

Olivia: Okay?

O'Neill: And so that's. That's marker number one, right? Why you shouldn't vote for

anyone besides Joe Biden, then. Marker two is why you should go out and vote,

because it's important. Right? And then three is fantasizing about all the different way

we're going to kick Joe Biden's ass.

Olivia: Okay. Okay. So the light at the end of the tunnel.

O'Neill: Exactly. I'm going to keep Jovine Zas once I get my student loans for you. Mmm

m. I'm not gonna stop kicking his ass until my student loans are forgiven.

Olivia: This fist is my forgiveness for you. Cause it could have been worse. But you did.

You did clear me of a significant amount of debt. So I shall punch you less hard than I

would have had you not.

O'Neill: Um, I'm going to keep on kicking Joe Biden's ass until we stop providing arms

to Israel.

Olivia: So, this is so, okay. So in between us saying, unfortunately, we have to do this

ugly thing for a less ugly thing to happen. And then we go, okay, and now we're going to

kick Joe Biden's ass in the mind palace a little bit. And now we're going to talk to you

about active voting. And now we're going to Pick. We're going to kick Joe's ass in the

mind octagon again. And then.

O'Neill: No, no, no. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Let me back it up. Let me. Let me reiterate one

more time. Yeah, step one. Step one, why you shouldn't vote for the other guy. Yes. He

who shall not be named. And this is where we'll dive into that five Freedoms act or

whatever the fuck is going on over there.

Tyler: West.

O'Neill: Sure, that. So that's part one, is, uh oh, what's going on over here? All right.

And then part two, we know you don't want to go out and vote, but here's all the

reasons why you should go out and vote. Your civil liberties duties. This is why local

elections matter. This is why this matters. And then we build you up to voting for Joseph

Robin Biden.

Tyler: Real name is Robin Robinette.

O'Neill: Robinette, I think. Small. Robin, myself, Joe Small. Biden. Robin Small. Robin

Biden. Then step three in this podcast is us thinking about all the different ways now

that Joseph Small, Robin Biden is President, that we can kick his ass.

Olivia: Mm mhm hmm.

Tyler: Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.

Olivia: Because we've done our due diligence, are we getting creative? Is this, are we

gonna get where we gonna end up on a list?

O'Neill: Uh, as long as we say in Minecraft, after Minecraft.

Olivia: Okay, cool. Kicking Joe Biden's ass in Minecraft.

O'Neill: Some of it has to be in Minecraft. Yes.

Olivia: Okay. Yeah.

O'Neill: But it's also our civil, civil, uh, discussion about what we can do to improve the

fucking middle left and how we can actually see fucking progress and change and how

we don't end up in this situation.

Olivia: I mean, cause this might be one of the last podcasts we ever air. I'm gonna get

sent off to a camp, uh, under the ten years.

O'Neill: We're just gonna be picking cotton again.

Olivia: We weren't allowed to be talking to each other. Sorry.

Tyler: Uh, Tyler's gonna be me. I'll just be.

Olivia: So we need to give Tyler the ideas now.

O'Neill: Yeah, exactly.

Tyler: It'll just mean.

O'Neill: Unless we kick Joe Biden's ass. Unless we vote for him and then kick his ass.

Olivia: Nope.

Tyler: All right. Might be the only thing that would.

Olivia: Convince is this kicking Joe Biden's ass or like in the polls in Minecraft? M years

in Minecraft.

O'Neill: No, we do it, we do it with our congressional votes. We do it with our local state


Olivia: We kick his ass at the polls in four years. Not, we're not physically, then I punch.

Tyler: Him in his old.

O'Neill: If he continues to give arms and.

Olivia: Then I push him off of all of the bicycles, then if he's not.

Tyler: President anymore, it'll actually be easier to kick his ass. So if he does lose, we

can actually physically kick his ass.

Olivia: Run again.

O'Neill: And we can think about all the funny ways it'd be fun to kick his ass. Uh, put him

on a train and on the front of a train and make him scream a lot.

Olivia: I think if we put him on a grease House, it would just take care of itself.

O'Neill: A greasy bounce House and watch slip slide around. This is the thing, we don't

want to vote for him, but we can have


O'Neill: fun with the fact that we have to vote for him.

Tyler: He's like the soft part.

Olivia: What if we let him drive a train? But we don't. We took the brakes out.

O'Neill: Congratulations.

Tyler: What if we just said congratulations, you're now the starting center for the Boston


Olivia: Congratulations, you're now the President of Amtrak.

O'Neill: I think he would enjoy that.

Olivia: Actually, I know. I think we could give him a beautiful ass kicking. I think we could

give him a beautiful, poetic ass kicking. Here you go, Joe.

O'Neill: Yes, I like that. This is the thing. Uh, honestly, I like that train analogy. We can

set up a whole trolley problem for this one. On one side you have the five freedom

actors. Yes. And on the other side you have voting for Joe Biden. Okay, which one are

you gonna do? Not making a decision is making a decision. This is what I'm saying.

Olivia: Okay.

O'Neill: This is an exploration of civil, civil duty and also venting it out a little bit. Mhm.

Olivia: Mhm.

Tyler: We're going to go 19th century on his ass.

O'Neill: Sure.

Tyler: We're going to beat him up within a kit with a cane. The US Congress in

Minecraft, after we.

O'Neill: Vote for him in this upcoming election.

Tyler: Joe Biden, most likely President to have his ass kicked.

O'Neill: Yes, exactly.

Olivia: Listen, I miss when the President used to just beat the shit out of people with

canes. And I think that's time we bring it back and kind of uno reverse card that a little

bit because it.

Tyler: Used to be for racist reasons.

Olivia: Yeah.

Tyler: And now, and now he can beat up the racist. I don't want my President to be

strong. What if my President was just like a strong.

O'Neill: And this is another thing we could do is we can sort of, uh, check, check what's

going on in the future and see who we can get to run.

Olivia: I mean, realistically, guys, I mean, Tyler's not going to become a race car driver.

I'm not going to become an astronaut. Any three. Any one of the three of us could

become President.

O'Neill: That's true.

Olivia: M ten years. Any one of us could become President. So, yeah, ten years. You

have to be 40. So 15 years. So let's give him more time. So we have Joe Biden for

another four unfortunate years. The unfortunate, uh, years. And then let's say that's

another two term President. So that's another, that's another, uh, eight years. So that's


O'Neill: There we go.

Olivia: And then, and then the next thing we can, we can run for presidente.

O'Neill: So maybe the end of this podcast is sort of plotting out the future after we

kicked Joe Biden's ass. This is post the ass kicking. All right, we're out of it. We're in the

clear, and we're plotting out the future. Who are we going to have for our next two term

President? All right, is it going to be Cody? Is it going to be Bernie Sanders.

Tyler: Leftist illuminati that the right keeps complaining exists? We m need to inform it

for real. It's my idea. But here's the thing. They're like the leftists. They're out there in the

controlling the government. And, um, I'm like, boy, I wish that was true.

Olivia: Do you think we'd be in a situation if that was the case?

O'Neill: I like this. I like, I like this. I like all of us coming up with our own sort of post Joe

Biden ass kicking worlds that we want to envision and then bringing that and.

Olivia: Seeing how we want to see in the world.

O'Neill: Yeah, exactly. Exactly.

Tyler: I want to kick Joe Biden's ass at basketball. I just want to dunk on him really hard

in Minecraft.

Olivia: I want to beat him in a thumb wrestle.

Tyler: You break.

Olivia: I want to beat him in a thumb war.

O'Neill: I want to beat him in a bike race. I think I could.

Tyler: I want to make a bike race.

Olivia: I mean, you've been hit by a car on a bike and he's fallen off his bike, so I think

we're even. Your fault. So if there's no cars on the road, I think that's a, uh, that's in the

bag for you, dog.

O'Neill: Oh, no. But he does have his, the cavalcade, what is it called? The presidential

car suite. So those are going to all hit.

Olivia: Me at the same time.

O'Neill: So Joe Biden will, uh, kick my ass in viking, unfortunately.

Olivia: Damn, robo blades. It's the only way. He's old. You have a bad knee. I think it's

only fair.

O'Neill: That's fair. Yeah. You know what? It is fair.

Olivia: Yep.

O'Neill: Okay, so that was the vote for Joe Biden, so we can kick his ass. Podcast. Any

other suggestions for what we want to do for form and structure?

Tyler: Sounds good to me. I'm sold.

O'Neill: Great. I'm glad. I'm loving it, but up, up. All right, so with that Liver.

Olivia: Yes, Demirah. This week's episode of the fucking pitch. Podcast Podcast is

brought to you by. Um, okay, this is kind of awkward. Uh, they don't really want me to

say, huh huh. I can't tell you, this week's sponsor. They really don't want me to.

O'Neill: But they dropped the money off.

Olivia: They paid. Yeah, but they also don't want me to tell you about their product and

or service. Um, so


Olivia: it's gonna be short and sweet. Uh, so try from, uh, you will love from. And, uh,

back to you, O'Neil.

O'Neill: Was that all in the copy?

Olivia: Yeah.

O'Neill: Great. I'm glad they still got their airtime.

Olivia: Yep.

O'Neill: Uh, well, as always, you can find all of our wheres and wheres and where we

are at at website. Website. Website. Bid and were on all the socials at EAA pcast. Could

be. We've been posting a lot on the social stick. Olivia's been cranking him out.

Olivia: Yep. Knife. Knife.

O'Neill: Door.

Olivia: Knife.

O'Neill: Uh, uh, yeah. And you can, as always, please rate us five stars on iTunes,

Spotify, Apple podcasts. You, uh, can rate us on YouTube now, I think. Tune in, overcast.

All of us. Get a. Get a good. Cherish with your friends. Listen, m this episode might not

have been very accessible, but maybe future ones will be. Uh, you can find all of us, uh,

at website. Website biz. Point them right there. Tell you. Say, hey, go to this funny

website URL. It's called website three times. Biz. Any more plurs?

Olivia: I'm trying to find out what my own username is on, um, Letterboxd.

Tyler: Follow me at. Jacob, for all my great furious.

O'Neill: I think I'm at OHP media on, um, letterbox.

Olivia: I don't know, guys.

Tyler: We're such fucking nerds. Because.

Olivia: Get started. It's free. I know. I've been. Who am I?

O'Neill: My letterbox website does go to website. Website. Website biz. So if you instead

want to just follow me on letterbox. It's a, uh, HP reviews.

Olivia: Okay, if you. If you. Okay, so if you find O'Neil on Letterboxd, we're following each

other. So just do that.

O'Neill: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. All right, so, with that, Olivia, ladies.

Olivia: And gentlemen, boys and girls, and those of you who have yet to make up your

minds, welcome to the House of trivia.

O'Neill: Ooh, the House of trivia.

Olivia: We're doing trivia. We're doing trivia to get you guys learned about the good and

beautiful queer community. It's prime primon, baby.

O'Neill: It's pride month, baby.

Olivia: So we're gonna be learning trivia about, uh, ally talk. Valentina. We're talking

about slang. We're talking about Culture. We're talking about history. We have a little bit

of trivia situation going on. It's gonna be head to head white boy versus O'Neil, and it's

gonna be great.

O'Neill: Can we talk about my title for a second? Uh, not my title, my name.

Olivia: Yeah.

O'Neill: It betrays very irish. My existence. Yes. Right. Yeah, I get this a lot. It's jamaican.

Want to put that on the record? Jamaican. I know. Not in.

Olivia: How'd the name get there? O'Neil.

O'Neill: Slavery.

Olivia: Yeah.

O'Neill: So they dropped an l. We dropped the l. Yeah, it's fine. Anyway. Yes. So, trivia.

Olivia: You took the l. You took the.

O'Neill: L. I took the l, and then.

Olivia: I dropped it for yourself. Uh, uh.

O'Neill: And my ancestors. Yes. Thank you. All right, so, trivia.

Olivia: Hold on. I just got a text from my roommate, POV. Uh, I miss you enough that I'm

now listening to your Podcast, but only via, uh, Instagram clips.

Tyler: The best way to listen, honestly, the most successful.

Olivia: So, yeah, House of trivia. So, um, we'll have a couple different categories. House

of trivia. Which. Okay, there is a House of trivia at Iowa State, but it's like a big, like,

event. Mhm. This is the fucking pitch. House of trivia. The Podcast.

Tyler: How big is this House?

Olivia: It's like size House of trivia at the University of Iowa. It's like a. It's like a stadium


O'Neill: Okay.

Olivia: Which is nerds. Ah, yeah. So we'll be. I'll be learning you a thing or two. We'll talk

about some of my favorite parts of queer Culture. I, uh, promise not to be completely

obnoxious about it, but that's just some internalized homophobia I'm dealing with. And,

um, yeah, we can talk about history, media Culture, slang, all that stuff. Figure out

where all these slang terms that all the youths are using that, uh, they definitely stole

from black and trans people, drag queens. So, yeah, so we can give them the

recognition they deserve. Uh, that isn't your, like, corpo Garbo. Corpo pride.

Tyler: Now, by youth slang terms, are we talking like.

Olivia: Yeah, slay boots.

Tyler: I thought it was like. I thought you were going to say, like, scoopity toilet.

Olivia: No, no, that's actually homophobic. Really?

O'Neill: Is it?

Olivia: That's a hate crime.

Tyler: Look, I'm learning.

O'Neill: Yay.

Olivia: The show's doing its job.

Tyler: I just don't know what the kids are up to. And apparently the kids are up to hate


Olivia: I think it'll be really important for. I think it'll be really important for you guys to

create your little, like, drag names.

O'Neill: Oh, yes. That'd be fun. That'd be very good.

Olivia: I think that'll be good. And then, yeah, I think we'll have a little head to head,


Olivia: um, talk about head, and then end of show.

O'Neill: Okay. All right, now, what is the style of this trivia? Is it multiple toys? Is it, uh,

jeopardy rules?

Olivia: Probably. Uh, I think it might be jeopardy rules, uh, but I think I will ask both of

you. So basically it'll be like, okay, um, so, uh, this. So I would talk about. So, for

example, I would talk about, uh, a set at govball that recently was. Went on on Sunday-

Sunday-Sunday one of the headliners, uh, dressed as the Statue of Liberty, which

upcoming artist has been crowned the queen of the sapphic summer chapel rung get


Tyler: I Saw your Instagram post.

Olivia: So he's not on TikTok, but he's.

Tyler: He's not on Tik Tok, but he's aware of me.

O'Neill: Wow, that's powerful.

Tyler: I have. I work in west Hollywood, Olivia. I have a lot of gay friends.

Olivia: It's a heavy burden being Tyler's only queer friend.

O'Neill: Not true.

Olivia: Tyler went. I met you before you were like that, so it's fine. It was one thing if you

kissed girls. It was another thing if you didn't want to be one anymore. Ew. It's fine.

Tyler: I guess Olivia just wanted the boys that I always knew.

O'Neill: I liked. You one of the boys boys.

Olivia: I'm one of the not boys and one of the not girls. Oh.

O'Neill: So.

Olivia: House of trivia.

O'Neill: House of trivia. I, uh, like this. I like this a lot. House of trivia is clear. I'm

wondering if there's a way to heighten it and maybe it's bringing on a special guest.

Olivia: We could have a special guest.

O'Neill: Feels like a specialist.

Tyler: I feel like it's not queer enough with me and O'Neil there.

Olivia: I'm not educating. Educational.

O'Neill: Listen, as an closeted bisexual.

Tyler: Oh, well, not anymore. Cordels, you.

Olivia: You make the cuts where you need to make the cuts. I bet you didn't know that

about your brother. No, I think it's all love. It's all love now.

O'Neill: Yeah, it's all love here. It's all love. I think we could find either special guests or I

think we could change up the format of the game itself, go a little bit. Game change? Is

that the name of the show?

Tyler: How funny will it be for me to not be able to answer questions about queer

Culture? How long will that be funny?

Olivia: Well. Cause here's the question. Cause, like, here's the thing. But, like, even if it's

not funny, I, uh, learn you a thing or two. Cause here's the thing. If I bring a queer

person on, they're gonna sweep, and that's just gonna be embarrassing for you guys,

and you won't learn anything. Good job. Next question.

O'Neill: Could you get a little bit more creative with it? You give us a. So, for instance,

one question could be come up, and this is a subjective question that then you rate is

come up with a drag name for a person you describe based off of a person, a historical

figure or something like that. A little bit more.

Olivia: Father of the american banking system. Um, founder of one of the founders of

the federalist party.

O'Neill: So that way you can give us. You can learn us a thing or two, and we can do

funny jokes and japes.

Olivia: Mhm. Jokes and japes. Yeah. So we will have some free form questions, I'm

sure. Sort, uh, of like, you know, finish off a round category, that kind of thing. Little free

form, little, um, uh, like.

O'Neill: Public whales almost dot, dot, dot whales.

Tyler: But is the bit keeping me in a. Is the bit that you're keeping me in a cage? You're

gonna kill me? Like in Wales, you know, except I'm, um, in this scenario and

scandinavian wailers.

Olivia: In this closet right here, ready to come pick your ass.

Tyler: Now we have. Now we have something.

Olivia: They're gonna fear you in more than one way. Yeah, listen, we had the gay


O'Neill: Tyler's sitting in a dunk tank above the water that turned the frogs gay.

Olivia: Do you understand me?

O'Neill: I like this. I like the. I like the kayfabe we're crafting here. All right, cool. I like this.

Do we want to flesh out any more of the actual game itself?

Olivia: I mean, is there anything you guys specifically want to learn about or think you

know a lot about in terms of the queers?

O'Neill: Uh, I know these are going to.

Olivia: Be visual based questions. I'm not going to be like, what flag is this? Hmm?

Hmm. M that's just Germany, idiot. Like that Tyler knows a lot about.

Tyler: Regardless of whether they're queer flags or not. So.

Olivia: Yeah, you tell them, Tyler.

O'Neill: I did watch, uh, the Gerard. I did have. I have almost. I have watched three

episodes of the Gerard Carmichael, uh, uh, what's it called? The flag show.

Olivia: Oh, yeah, the flag show, yeah, his.

O'Neill: New reality tv show. Uh, anyway, I don't remember where I was going with this.

Olivia: House of trivia.

O'Neill: House of trivia.

Tyler: House of trivia.

Olivia: Talk about.

O'Neill: I think it could be fun to do historical. A, uh, couple of modern things, I think a

couple of games in between that, you know, challenge. But it's it called?

Olivia: Uh, challenge your perception. Yeah.

Tyler: Would it be better if it was specifically sort of a. Did you guys see John Mulaney's

everybody's in LA?

Olivia: I have not seen it yet.

O'Neill: I have not seen it either, but.

Tyler: I want it basically a script. It's more like a. It's like a scripted talk show almost.

Okay, yeah, if that was. If this is more like a. There aren't any gay talk shows, so if this is

more House of trivia is more of, like, there's a monologue at the top and then where

you're doing trivia, and then we're, you know, like. It's like almost a game show of sorts.

O'Neill: Okay.

Olivia: Yeah, that's almost like a.

O'Neill: With the variety that.

Olivia: Uh.

O'Neill: Let's not. Let's not. Let's make a deal. What's the other one? Price, uh, is right,

has that you.

Tyler: Could bring on a guest for an.

Olivia: Interview at the end. You know, I could get a special guest, I'm sure.

O'Neill: Yes.

Olivia: I could find somebody cool and gay.

Tyler: Cause that's the thing, is, I feel like the bit of watching me and O'Neil, maybe.

O'Neil. I don't know. Speak for yourself. Uh, flail it. Struggle with trivia. That.

Olivia: Unkind. I wouldn't make it terribly difficult.

O'Neill: No, no, no. I'm just.

Olivia: I also want you to learn a thing or two.

O'Neill: Yep. It's a whole ocean up there. I don't have anything stuck in my brain.

Tyler: I swear to God. It's. I swear to God. It's just Sam Raimi films and song lyrics.

That's all that's up here.

O'Neill: I think mixing and matching it would be a nice little pace, and I think I trust you

enough to set that pace for us. Um, yes. House of trivia.

Olivia: House of trivia.

O'Neill: Okay, great. Um, any closing remarks for House of trivia recap? Let's hit the

recap, Tyler.

Tyler: I pitch tmtmtm. This is a podcast where we reach into our archives and try to

make some goddamn cash money.

O'Neill: Well, the first one you did try to re pitch was the pee pee poop.

Tyler: Well, we don't get to. We don't have to go. We don't talk about that one, Tim. It's a

podcast in which we reach into our archives and try and make some goddamn money.

O'Neill: I pitched vote for Joe Biden so we can kick his ass. A Podcast in which we tried

to get Joseph Robinette Biden elected in order to save ourselves from a fucking country


Olivia: And, uh, I pitched House of trivia, where I quiz, uh, and educate my dear friends

on the history, slang, Culture, and important media to the lgbtqia queer community as a

whole. Learn them a thing or two for your pride. Also trivia.

O'Neill: Okay, cool. And now it's time to go to deliberation.

Olivia: Didn't I get. Did we get you a gavel?

O'Neill: No, I used to slam my fucking.

Olivia: Yeah, I used to slam a folder out against your. Your crotch. Um, we were gonna

get you a sperm tunnel, but then Covid happened.

O'Neill: But then Covid happened. Ruined a lot of things. Ruined a lot of forward motion

all right, Tyler, engage lock in.

Olivia: Do I need to get Subway Surfers up again?

Tyler: I am locked in. I'm thinking.

O'Neill: Yeah, what are you thinking about, Tyler? Pee pee poo poo.

Tyler: I think you have the peepee poo poo. But I guess now that's the one we should do.

O'Neill: All right, Peepee Poo Poo Podcast has been wiped off the board. All right.

Olivia: Yes. Flushed.

O'Neill: We already. It doesn't that one.

Tyler: Disagree.

O'Neill: It doesn't that one. We talked about the peepee. We talked about the poopoo.

Olivia: Good muffin next year's.

O'Neill: Yeah, you could bring that as a good muffin next year. Let's talk podcasts that

we have. I do like TM. TMTm in a certain way. It's a little jerkin, jerking ourselves off.

Olivia: It's a little meta. Yeah, it's a little met up, but.

Tyler: It does make in the fucking pitch studio. Straight up jerking it.

O'Neill: Jerking my penis.

Olivia: By it, I mean my Michael phone.

O'Neill: Don't jerk Michael's phone. He needs that for making text messages.

Tyler: There's nothing that gets people to listen to a comedy, a complicated comedy

Podcast from three unknowns like deep lore.

O'Neill: Well, that's the thing.

Olivia: This could also be like a deep lore. Let's understand what we've come through

here. What inspired this specific thing? How can we make this marketable?

Tyler: That's what I'm saying is I think this could be our. You know how every now and

then an anime will have like, a recap episode?

Olivia: Yeah, yeah.

O'Neill: That'S true.

Olivia: Best pods. Pods. Best.

O'Neill: Should we. Okay, but should we save it for our 100


O'Neill: Podcast pitches episode coming up in two sessions?

Olivia: Wow, really? We've pitched a hundred podcasts.

O'Neill: We will have in two sessions. We have two more pitching sessions until we will,


Olivia: That's with good muffins and with, uh.

O'Neill: Because the Golems and the Macguffins cancel each other out.

Olivia: Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Tyler: Okay, well, in that case.

O'Neill: So is that something we want to do or is this something we would want to get?

Olivia: No, I think the hundred is very funny to have a feeling.

O'Neill: It should be.

Tyler: Hundredth Pod. Pod. Pod. Spectacular. The tmtmtm Podcast.

O'Neill: All right, great. All right, so we'll put that as a bit depth for our 100 Podcast


Olivia: I'm just thinking about how funny it is that, say, when we got a poop, we gotta go

say, we gotta go see a man about a horse.

O'Neill: Okay, so you still on the feet?

Olivia: I'm just thinking about it.

O'Neill: Do we want to continue Podcast?

Tyler: No, that's what I'm fucking telling you.

Olivia: No, I'm just saying that I know a lot of words for things, okay? And that's.

Tyler: That's smart. Cookie.

O'Neill: Cookie eventually, uh, turns into shisk, if you think about it. It all comes down to

pip, all right?

Tyler: It's all pip.

Olivia: It's all pip.

O'Neill: How do we feel about vote for Joe Biden so we can kick. So we can kick his


Olivia: Do we have to? Like, I feel like in the, like, in the. In the. In the title, we would

have to put an asterisk. We have to censor Biden.

O'Neill: Why? He's a public figure. It doesn't fucking matter.

Olivia: But also, you really, you're not really supposed to threaten a sitting President.

O'Neill: I'm not. We're not threatening him. Um, we're just saying vote for. We're saying

vote for him so we can kick his ass. Metaphor.

Olivia: But I don't think the Secret Service is gonna go. Oh, yeah, surely it's a comedy

podcast on his side.

Tyler: Let me put this on and give it a full listen.

O'Neill: People have said worse about Joe Biden. I mean, I'm fine asterixing, uh, the

eye in Biden because I think that's also pretty funny.

Olivia: Yeah.

O'Neill: And I think that would make for good logo art. I do also love hass of trivia. Trivia.

Um, hmm. Yeah. I mean, I am pretty firmly split between the two. I do think we could do

House of trivia. House of trivia, June.

Tyler: Topical.

O'Neill: It is more topical.

Olivia: It's timely.

O'Neill: Yeah, it is timely.

Tyler: So I think save, kick Joe. Let's kick Joe Biden's ass.

O'Neill: Vote for Joe Biden.

Olivia: So we kick September and October.

O'Neill: Yeah, let's save it. We'll save for when it matters. The end of October.

Olivia: The voting special.

O'Neill: Yeah, sure. Well, I'm fine with that.

Olivia: Uh, vote for Joe Biden. So we should. We can kick his ass in four years if he's

not already dead. And if then we can have a special episode of the Pee Pee poo poo

Podcast where we go to the gender neutral bathroom that is Joe Biden's grave.

O'Neill: Yep. In six years. Calling it right now.

Olivia: Currently, the world's most famous gender neutral bathroom is Ronald Reagan's

grave. So I don't know what that's not. You always need more gender neutral bathrooms

in the world.

O'Neill: That's true. Bathroom.

Tyler: Where is Ronald Reagan buried? Let's see.

Olivia: Under my butt.

O'Neill: Got him. All right, cool. Uh, so House of trivia.

Tyler: The Ronald Reagan, he's buried at his library in Simi Valley.

Olivia: Ew, gross.

Tyler: Yeah, I don't want to go to a library with a dead body?

O'Neill: Ew.

Tyler: I don't want to have to pee on all those books.

O'Neill: Yeah, that's the problem, is you have to piss on, um, all those books.

Olivia: I think I get fired from my job for pissing on any book on purpose.

Tyler: Ronald Reagan's biography.

Olivia: That one's fun. All right, that's just toilet paper.

O'Neill: We've made enough podcasts. Um, thank God. So, with that, we'll be back to

you with House of trivia and potentially a special guest.

Olivia: Let's, uh, let's bow our heads.

O'Neill: All right.

Olivia: Join hands in prayer. Um. Dear Chapel Rowan, thank you for inviting us to your

pink pony club. May we continue to prove to you that love is a kaleidoscope. And now

join me in the ancient and deep physical act of the hot to go tits. All right. H o t t o g o.

You can take this Pod to go. We'll see you next week on amen. Everything is going

away. Boy life. I have boy life under my pillow.

O'Neill: Boy wife.

Tyler: Boy wife.

Olivia: Boy wife. So, uh, in March, I bought Gribble. We're familiar with Gribble.

O'Neill: Yeah, we remember Gribble.

Olivia: Um, my roommate got me. Let's see, his name, I believe,


Olivia: is Ross. He's an alien, so he's Gribble's immigrant friend. And then. And then my

roommate thought that Gribble was lonely and needed to get him a lover. So this is boy


O'Neill: Okay. All right.

Olivia: Boy wife be who you are.

Tyler: Is boy wife. Boy wife also an immigrant.

O'Neill: Boy wife also an immigrant. Love it. M progressive.

Olivia: No. Born and raised in the US of a. Boy wife is just a boy wife.

O'Neill: Trad. Boy wife.

Olivia: No.

O'Neill: Trad.

Olivia: Boy wife. Guys, we need to make merch now. The iron is hot.

O'Neill: Shit.



FEED DROP: Pick a' President | Episode 47 - The President of Being a Lil' Guy!