Pitch - Episode 28: Et tu Verstappen??
This is a podcast of love, life, and betrayal. Join us.
Once Upod A Time: A new re-telling of folklore using the folklore index.
The Make a’ Meme Podcast: Using the podcast format to create viral memes.
The True American Triathlon: Big Cars, Big Guns, Big Dawgs.
The following Transcripts are a.I. generated and their accuracy cannot be 100% confirmed.
Olivia: Hey, guys. Big whale news.
O'Neil: Oh, shit.
Olivia: Do we see this big whale news?
Tyler: What's the big whale news?
Olivia: There was a 2023 study that was conducted where they were observing humpback whales, and
they found they observed having gay sex. Let's go.
O'Neil: Fuck yeah, dude.
Olivia: Another win for the whales.
O'Neil: Big double back in my community.
Olivia: and a w to LGBT. Wow. Whale. I'm cetacean sexual. Let's go tw.
O'Neil: Lesbian trans whale.
Olivia: The WL stands for big win.
O'Neil: Big win. Dub. dubs m yeah.
Tyler: Big.
Olivia: Big w's for the whale community. Big winner.
O'Neil: The whip.
Olivia: Everything's going away everything is going my way doesn't matter what they say doesn't
matter what they do we're gonna do it anyway cause you and me we got it and we gonna break through
no one's gonna keep us down it doesn't matter if we fall not afraid to say it loud with you and if
we got it and we gonna have it all everything is going my way everything is going everything is
going away this is who you are.
O'Neil: It's better it's better with you my.
Olivia: Life it's better with you hello, and.
O'Neil: Welcome to my Podcast. My Podcast. And me, a Podcast show for the modern era. I am your
oldest podcaster, O'Neil Henry.
Tyler: I'm your middleist, podcaster, Tyler Jaker Carr. We can't. We've done this bit already.
Olivia: And I'm your sweet baby podcaster, Olivia Fumioti. we did a whole show.
O'Neil: Welcome to the fucking pitch. Podcast. Podcast. The Podcast for podcasters by podcasters.
It's time to.
Tyler: What do you want me to.
O'Neil: We have to steal. We have to start stealing more. Our best episode, we've already stolen
from our best episode was when we stole the my brother. My brother v format. So we have to form our
Annie, and we have to up our game. Listen, stealing is only stealing if you don't do it well. So we
just need to steal more until we do it well.
That's all I'm saying, guys.
Olivia: Okay. All right.
O'Neil: It's time to up our game. It's time to up the ante. Next week, I will just be Bill Simmons.
I've been working on my impression. All right. I've been working on the nasally.
Olivia: Sort of cut us talk here a piece of that. Yeah. Yeah.
Tyler: I was at the clippers.
O'Neil: Hey, guys. So, starry lemon lime soda is the soda. That's only for people who listen to.
Tyler: Hang on. We gotta talk about versus for a second. Bill Simmons is the most. Listen, Olivia,
I don't think you'll get this. Cause you don't listen to any ringer Podcast. But Bill has the most
unhinged spot ever. Not in, like, a, intentionally comedic way. But he just starts ranting about
whatever he's talking about in the middle of the act. It's getting crazy.
O'Neil: He'll just be like, oh, yeah, Amazon.
Tyler: I'm watching a Celtics game, and I'm halfway through, and I'm like, oh, yeah, starry lemon
lime soda.
O'Neil: I've had. I know this is impossible. I know this is impossible. But I've had Amazon since
1986. It's like, bill, no, you haven't. Come on.
Olivia: My guy Jeff wasn't fully cooked yet.
Tyler: I'm sitting there, I'm watching a Patriots game, and everyone's so excited. Cause I have
Mikolo Boltzer in the freeze.
O'Neil: I'm enjoying the royals playing.
Tyler: My daughter plays soccer. I'm on the road. And you know who's never let me down? Like? My
O'Neil: You know what I love when I'm sitting in the movie theater, and watching my favorite actor,
JK Simmons, up on the big screen. A big Reese's peanut butter cup.
Tyler: That's Sean Fency. Yeah, that's true, Bill. Nothing better than a big. I just picturing Sean
Fennessy just eating a big peanut butter cup, watching some, like, Paul Schrader film.
O'Neil: Just like, Olivia, we are absolutely narrow casting, but this is what I'm talking about.
Olivia: I'm glad that you guys are having fun. Whenever. I don't get the joke. I'm just excited
that you guys are having fun with your jokes.
O'Neil: But this is the heat I'm talking about, all right? We. We are, obviously, we need to grow.
We need to change.
Tyler: It's a movie draft last week.
O'Neil: Stealing things. See, that's the thing. Stealing, it's just part of the art form, you know?
Listen, musicians steal all the Oscar. He stole Culture.
Tyler: We can't continue this la la land argument.
O'Neil: I'm not, I'm not. All I'm saying is that James Hill hates black people.
Tyler: You have to watch Babylon. Cause there's one storyline in Babylon that I have to have your
opinion about. You have to watch.
O'Neil: Is it the Vikram? Is it the black man? Yes.
Olivia: Babylon was ridiculous.
O'Neil: And no wheel of choosing spinach. Olivia's going up. Hey, here I am.
Olivia: Excellent. Okay, so. Woo. So I was recently looking up a old movie from the
nineties from when I was a kid called the Polar Bear King. it was a norwegian production. No one
stared at I had it on vhs. I think, like, me and three other people have seen it, so. But I was
looking up the base story for it. And so I found out that it's like a norwegian folk tale. And as I
was scrolling through, I start seeing these, like, number codes. It's almost like a Dewey decimal
system for different elements of the plot of the story. What? So I found out about the Arne
Thompson uther index, which is a catalog of folktale types used in folklore stories. So I went and
I got two books. This is new approaches to teaching folk and fairy tales.
Tyler: Olivia, are you a librarian or something?
Olivia: Tales of magic, tales in print. Tales of magic. Yeah, tales of magic tales in print is the
name of this book. And, so based off of the Arne Thompson Uther index, we're gonna write our own
fairy tales. Welcome to once upon a time.
O'Neil: Once upon a time is powerful. Once upon a time is very powerful. All right, so this is. So
what is the Arthur utter out in Eden?
Olivia: Martin Thompson Uther index is based off of an original, like, okay, so the original index
was created by this finnish, german and finnish folklorist anti arn in 1910. It was then translated
to English, revised and expanded by american folklorist Stith Thompson in 1928 and 1961, and then
later. First, I love this episode by german folklorist Hans Jorg Uther in 2004. The ATU index,
along with Thompson's motif index of folk literature from 1932, with which it is used in tandem, is
essential tool for folklorists. So how it basically works. So let's say you have Cinderella, right?
Okay, so you have, So Cinderella is its own sort of story. So it's its own, basically these are
like, how you would be like, this is a canon event kind of thing. This is like, this is a set event
that happens in this kind of story. So Cinderella, for example, is, 510 a Cinderella, where. So
essentially you have a young woman is mistreated by her stepmother and stepsisters. So these have
indexes. The indexes are s 31 and L 55. Those are.
O'Neil: Bingo.
Olivia: Young woman. Young woman. Stepfamily. So, like, it's all kinds of things. Like things like
that you have.
O'Neil: Oh, so like a mix and match.
Olivia: On the third evening of something. So it has all these different indices. So it's really
interesting. So you have like, combinations and so your combination combining 327 a 403, 480. It's
literally tv tropes for folklores.
O'Neil: That's beautiful. That's great. Ah, okay.
Olivia: That is the best way that I can describe it.
O'Neil: So how is this catalog organized, is it like a, b, c, d, e, f, g?
Olivia: It is 12345. And then letter order. it basically works through anywhere from, like, 200 or
one to a thousand, basically. So it's a little bit complicated because it's like, you know, you
have, like, the full. Folklore is like, the story type is its entire, like, categorization, but it
falls within certain ones where it's like princess stories, marriage stories, stories where animals
are like, the lead.
Tyler: Olivia, I have a. I've been reading the Wikipedia. Yeah, I'm gonna read this little segment,
Olivia: Yeah.
Tyler: so the name does not have to be strictly literal for every folktale. For example, the cat as
helper 545 B also includes tails, where a fox helps the hero.
O'Neil: Well, that's closely related.
Olivia: That's.
Tyler: Wait, wait, let me finish. Let me finish. Closely related folktales are often grouped within
a type. For example, tail types 400 to 424 all feature brides or wives as the primary protagonist.
For instance, the quest for a lost bride is 400. Or the animal bride is 402 animal.
O'Neil: Hey, Tyler. Hey, Tyler, what's 420? Or Olivia, what's 420? Give me 420.
Olivia: I will have to look up these.
O'Neil: 420 now.
Olivia: I need 420 now.
O'Neil: The loss for a kush bride. My Kushbride.
Olivia: Let's see. 420. I see where you're going with this. Water spirits kidnap mortals and keep
them underwater.
O'Neil: Oh, Jesus. Water bong situation. I love that.
Olivia: Yeah. So I'm looking at the.
Olivia: Okay, this is in the, like. Oh, wait, hold on. I might be in the 300 category. Oh, okay. So
we need to go into tales of magic. Let's see. 420.
Tyler: I do love that 1200 to, like, 1300 is anecdotes and jokes.
Olivia: Jokes, yeah. Tales of the stupid ogre, giant, or devil has its own categorization, but
Tyler: It'S like, broad categories that then filter down within the sections. so, like, one to 299
is animal tales.
Olivia: Yeah. Okay, so what I'm looking at. So 420 is probably. I don't know if it necessarily has
a specific classification. It doesn't have a specific story, but so, the one that I have. So the
one that started this is ATU 425 A, the animal as bridegroom, which is the basis for the polar bear
King. So.
O'Neil: Oh, okay, I see. I see.
Olivia: It be a really fun idea if we either somehow, like, randomly decided which elements of a
story that we wanted be like. Okay, for each category, we need to, like. Okay, we're gonna pick
this specific trope. This specific trope. This specific trope. And we write a new fairy tale.
O'Neil: Yeah.
Olivia: Based off of what we have. That is essentially once upon a time.
O'Neil: Okay, can I give a suggestion for this, please? I think it would be great if we sort of
built out, this is getting very who slayed? But, you know, it's a mixed bag there. But I think it
would be very funny if we, if we randomly rolled, or randomly assigned a number value, a letter
value, and then we had to build out a storyteller.
Olivia: Yes, that's essentially okay. Yeah.
O'Neil: Yes, that'd be very cool.
Olivia: We would have basically the draft of indexes for each of us and then we'd have some writing
time off. mic. And then a little docus situation of us writing and then we come back and we read
our stories.
Tyler: Might I make a suggestion?
Tyler: This is instead we create our own fairy tales, shaggy dog style, where each of us, it
randomly gets one of the tropes and we have to, we don't tell each other what the trope is.
O'Neil: Oh, that's actually pretty good too.
Tyler: You start with like a story beat, and then we each go round robin with a story beat trying
to work our tropes.
O'Neil: What do we figure out? Until we figure out that's a fun game.
Olivia: I'm also down.
O'Neil: That's a fun game. Oh, yeah.
Olivia: I worry that we might get a little loosely cuff with that. Yeah, we might get a little
loosey goosey. can I get a location and an occupation with it kind of thing?
O'Neil: Your improv skills haven't always been top tier, but I do think it'd be funny too.
Olivia: Bono. Like Bono's gonna show up in fucking ruffles. Siltskin.
Tyler: There is motivation for Bono. Goddamn it, you've got to tell me.
Olivia: M my true name.
O'Neil: Backwards.
Tyler: Bono. I'm trying to take this fox as my bride.
O'Neil: So.
Olivia: Yeah. Okay. So, hey, Olivia.
O'Neil: Hey, what number is Bono? As we all know, Bono is an ancient thing.
Tyler: Actually, I've got it right here, Olivia. It's 585 c. Bono forcefully puts his music on your
O'Neil: Wow. Bono is sort of an elven figure where, you know, he can at night if you just plug your
iPhone in, curses it with his music. Some of these are so good.
Olivia: Cause it's like, okay, this is, q four 2.1 is the spend thrift night.
O'Neil: Oh, fuck yeah. So we get McLemore up in this bit.
Olivia: K 551 3.1 is respite from death while one plays the fiddle. This is.
O'Neil: Oh my God. Then we went down to Georgia. All right. Okay. Oh my God. This would actually be
great. Okay. This is very fun. This is very exciting.
Tyler: Let's hash out what this Podcast, actually, let's debate.
O'Neil: Let's be gentlemanly about this. Is there a way we could split the uprights, where we do a
little, we bring some content? Maybe it's just like a ten minute brainstorming session once we get
our thing, just to do a little bit of research into the actual structure of it, and then we dive
into it and do a little improv.
Olivia: Shaggy dog situation, we might be able to do both. Like, we might have, like, our
own fairy tales that it might be, like, a two part kind of situation where it's like, okay, we each
have our own story based off of, like, randomly generated tropes, and then each of us have one
trope that we have to fold into a story.
O'Neil: Yeah. So I was gonna ask, how is it broken down? Is it, like, overall story and then a
number set in there, or is it, like, you know what I'm saying?
Olivia: So a lot of the time. So, like, it's kind of separated by the tale itself and the tropes
within the tale. So there are, like, certain kinds of tales, and then there's, like, elements of,
like. Okay, so this is, you know, ATU 590 is the faithless mother, but it has the trope of, B 43.2,
Olivia: which is the helpful lie in. So it has, like. Okay, so here is, like, normally these are
the tropes that make this story, this specific categorization of tale, or something's broken out.
Okay, so this is a good example. ATU 577 is the king's tasks. This is categorized by 123456
different tropes where it's task assigned to suitors, a self chopping axe, automatic shovel, self
playing violin, tasks performed by use of magic object, tasks performed with help of old woman,
and, you know, that sort of thing. So these are just. They make up a. This is the, like, general
rules that you are, like, assigned with this specific type of fairy tale.
O'Neil: So it's. It's less so, like, a broad structure and then the things that fill it in and more
so, like, these are just the parts that put it together, essentially, yes.
Olivia: And, like, sometimes it's not like, a thing where it's, like, every single thing needs
to be. The self playing violin is not in every single story like that, where, like, you can kind of
pick and choose, but those are the tropes most, commonly associated with that specific
categorization of fairy tales. Okay.
O'Neil: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. That makes sense. So, in that case, maybe each of us gets two
assignments, and then we have to, like, work them in. Probably, no more than that. Otherwise, we do
get into who slayed territory. But I do think it'd be fun. One thing. I think we probably. We would
need one. Maybe one thing to get all on the same page about. So that way we at least have a
starting line. And then going out, is there, like, you know, we've all played dungeons and dragons
and other role playing games. Is there, like, a quiet year esque thing where we can, like,
establish the background and then build out from there? Like, what do we mean?
Olivia: What we could do? The other thing that I was thinking, if we're sort of going off of that
is we could go off of. We get, like, a big. We get one of the big tales of magic. We get one of the
big fairy tales, and then we each have to pick the different tropes within that, so we don't
necessarily have to use all of them.
O'Neil: We get a circle.
Olivia: Yeah.
O'Neil: We get a Cinderella story, and then we put in the new ones. Yes. Okay. That's for sure.
Yeah, I like that. I like that a lot. Is there, what stories have three main characters? Hansel,
Gretel, and Kunta.
Olivia: So you have, like, the three, let's see. Gods in disguise to visit mortals. let's see.
O'Neil: We don't feel good about Hansel, Gretel, and Guthar.
Olivia: God princesses low rescued from lower world. I'm trying to find one with a sword of
O'Neil: that's a specific.
Olivia: Hundred brothers seek 100 sisters as wives.
O'Neil: Fuck yeah.
Olivia: 69.1.1.
O'Neil: That's gonna be the weirdest family reunion I've ever heard.
Olivia: Okay.
O'Neil: I mean, the three Musketeers is obviously.
Olivia: yeah, that's another one. I don't know if that necessarily counts as, like, folklore.
That's more of, like, a novel. Okay, so, like, Bluebeard is the maiden killer. So you have
forbidden chamber death for breaking taboo, and executioner kept busy or interested until rescue
comes, where you could also tag in rescue of sister from ogre by brother.
O'Neil: So. Yeah. All right. I understand where we're. Where we're going with this. Once a pot of
time is a fucking beautiful name. Let me just make sure that's clear. Have we checked?
Olivia: I have not checked.
Tyler: Once upon a Podcast. Once upon a time.
O'Neil: Okay. Yeah. Oh, oh. There's once upon a time in Hollywood, but that's it.
Tyler: Once upon a time in Hollywood is powerful.
O'Neil: Is that justino Podcast Tarantino? Yeah, let me let me check it out real quick.
Olivia: What year?
Tyler: it's true.
O'Neil: Two episodes in 2021. it's literally just talking.
Tyler: It's so funny that we have the COVID rule.
O'Neil: Yeah.
Olivia: The great Podcast plague of 2020.
O'Neil: Great Podcast culling. yeah. Once upon a time. I love. I love once upon a time.
Olivia: Thank you.
O'Neil: Beautiful. all right, I think with that, we are ready to move on back to the wee. I
love choosing.
Tyler: What'S oni bringing.
O'Neil: All right, let me figure out. Let me make one last little,
Tyler: While we're young.
O'Neil: Yeah. No, no. Yeah. No, no. Yeah.
Olivia: You're acting up because of the weather. Do you know how embarrassing that is?
O'Neil: Huh? Huh?
Tyler: Did you know people? Did you know 15 year olds right now were born in 2009? What the fuck?
O'Neil: That's fucked up.
Tyler: That's fucked up. That's what I'm saying.
O'Neil: And you know what, Tyler? You know what, Tyler?
Olivia: Like, I'm fully a person.
O'Neil: You know what, Tyler? It's time we get the next generation on board, all right? It's time
for us to fucking craft.
Tyler: Is that a Podcast segue? That was fucking shooky, dude.
O'Neil: It's time to craft the scope of the next generation. And how do we create content for the
next generation? That's right. Through memes. Welcome to the
O'Neil: make a meme Podcast. The goal of this Podcast, the only goal of this Podcast, it's kind of
like funny trends, except for not talking about modern day things. The goal of this podcast is to
create memes. So we're creating sounds for TikToks. We're creating, visual memes based off of
current events. We're diving deep into pop Culture, all to craft memes around this podcast. It's a
clip show. It's segmented. It's very short. It's very precise. Make a meme. How do we feel?
Olivia: Okay, so this is kind of like the, Ted Nevison. I try to make a viral TikTok audio kind of
video. Yes.
Tyler: That very mister beast. We made 100 memes. We made a million memes.
O'Neil: We made 300 memes.
Olivia: We made a chocolate bar called Deez nuts.
Tyler: I spent a million dollars to give a blind child back his sight.
Olivia: I force fed a duck orbeez until it exploded.
O'Neil: So this is what this is.
Tyler: Foie gras. Tasted like plastic.
O'Neil: so this is what it is, right? So at first. So we all have memeable qualities to us, right?
Olivia: Sure. Say them right now for all of us.
O'Neil: Well, first of all, I have a picture of me as a child where, I'm making illuminati hands,
and then I also have an eye on my fucking forehead, which is plenty of fucking meme material right
there. I think we have the potential to craft and create high quality, low quality memes that we
could bring into the modern era. Now, I want us to go through and talk about our favorite memes.
Tyler, you first.
Tyler: Oh, man. I was a big vine kid. so I'm gonna. I'm gonna go with, the. Oh. Ah, fuck. I can't
believe you've done this. That's probably the one I quote the most.
Olivia: Very good one.
Tyler: All right, this is gonna make us sound so old.
Olivia: So old. No big fan of that. I'm trying to think of, like, memes that I like regularly or
like, comic.
O'Neil: Characters that you see on. Like, my favorite is probably, this Tiktoker efiful who just,
like, makes these fucking highbrow ass jokes that are, like, takes you, like, two
scrolls to get it, and you go back and, like, the TikToks love those.
Olivia: Let's see. I'm trying to f. Oh, yeah, I think another one of my favorite is fuck you
chicken strip.
O'Neil: Fuck your chicken strips.
Olivia: That's a good one. That's a bit that I do, do all the time. Cause I have a list of bits
that I do. I keep track. And fuck your chicken strips. yeah. one that I recently stopped myself
from doing at work the other day was whenever somebody asks me the time.
You're both familiar with the legend of Zelda games. Yes. Yeah. You know what? You sometimes hit
those rocks with the eyes on them, and they go, bing, bong, bing. The time is currently that. Okay,
well, that's a thing they do in soccer.
O'Neil: I'm sorry, I should have prefaced.
Olivia: And so sometimes when people go, hey, what time is it? I go, bing, bong, bing. It is 107.
So that's a good sort of bit that I do in my real life.
Tyler: You know what my favorite bit has been recently is? We're so back.
O'Neil: We're so back. We're so back.
Tyler: I say that more than. It's, like, probably my most said phrase of the last, like, month and
a half.
O'Neil: My favorite is probably, I'm gonna cream pie. Your dad, been saying that one a
lot around the office.
Olivia: Yeah, it's a good one. No HR issues with that.
O'Neil: Listen, it's just. It's more familiar.
Tyler: Your entire segment of us talking about this podcast just gonna be us relaying our favorite
bits and tweets.
O'Neil: So this is the actual. This is the actual Podcast.
Olivia: But here's the thing I, like, I do pick up on, like, YouTube specifically. TikTok was
really bad for my brain. I did finally kick my TikTok addiction. But the audio, because I have sort
of an echolalia sort of, like, issue where I will repeat something that I think was said in
something. Thank you. Sort of funny way once. so to this day, every time I see my cat, my
roommate's cat stick his entire fucking hand into the water bowl, I go, piggy dippin'piggy, dippin
at the piggy Pod. Nah, you ain't sausage swimming in a water bowl. You dip their feller toes in
there. Like, I can do the whole thing. So, yes, I'm on board with this. That's one of my parts.
Tyler: I'm gonna read my favorite tweet, and then we're gonna talk about the format of this
Olivia: Yes, please.
Tyler: It's a drill tweet that reads. The wise man bowed his head solemnly and spoke. There's
actually zero difference between good and bad things, you imbecile. You
fucking moron.
Olivia: Oh, wait, okay, hold on. We can't talk about Forbes structure, but I do love a light. I do
love a good, like, medieval online presence where it's just like. And you're banished from the
O'Neil: Yeah, so that's
O'Neil: what I'm saying. Create different audio products for the fucking pitch. And then also maybe
we each bring image memes to talk through the process of memes, and so we can caption the different
clips with the image memes, and then we have the sounds underneath it. Do you get what I'm picking
up on? Are you picking up what I'm getting on? Yes, I think we do a slideshow situation with each
of the memes that we create.
Olivia: This is a TikTok thing.
O'Neil: This is a. And then maybe, maybe even tweets or threads, you know, like, stuff we could put
out there that would potentially generate content for us. You know what I'm saying?
Olivia: Yeah. the thing that I was laughing at to myself was. Cause again, I feel like out of the
three of us, I have the most sort of. I wouldn't say, like, stupid or absurd, but I definitely have
a very unique sense of humor amongst the three of us, I think I would say. And so the thing that
was, crawling its way back to the front of my brain was this, I think it was either an audio or a
video from about three years ago. And it's called a
single, distant, but very loud. Yeehaw.
O'Neil: Ah.
Olivia: Okay, play that one for you right now.
O'Neil: Yep.
Olivia: So, like, yeah, that book was great.
O'Neil: Okay, so this is perfect. This is a perfect transition into what I think our Personas would
be. So each of us needs to, like, craft a Persona. I think, Olivia, yours is going to be very
eccentric. very specific. I think you'll be bringing those single distance but powerful. Yee haws.
Tyler, I think you're gonna be, I think you're gonna be an everyday man. I think you're gonna be a
weasel back tweet. I think you're gonna be a. Maybe you could bring a little bit of Hollywood
Junior with a couple of movie takes.
Tyler: And I can talk about the Willy Wonka experience and Glasgow experience.
O'Neil: Definitely bring some Oscar takes, perhaps. But this is. This is what I'm getting at is
this is us creating different, memes for this product.
Olivia: I love a hyper specific meme that has nothing to do with anything, but it sounds somewhat
Olivia: Where it's like, this has nothing to do with the other thing, but it just kind of sounds
funny like that. Yeah. Like, I'm. Like, I'm going. The weakest link possible is the
kinds of memes m that I'm making. You can call me the weakest link meme maker.
O'Neil: Olivia's is gonna be very hyper specific. Tyler's gonna be pretty broad. And then mine's
just gonna be slightly off. So, like, let me cream pie. Your dad is going to be, I think, a hit
amongst jet alpha.
Olivia: Sort of a. Sort of a. Yeah, they're gonna love it.
Tyler: They're gonna love it.
Olivia: Just a full hr violation kind of thing. Yeah, I love that. Fantastic. Like, mine will,
like. Okay, so again, we have a quote board in my apartment. I m regularly make the quote board.
we've recently erased February. But one of my greatest hits from that was I had found out that my
friend had died and was in, like, very not a state of being a person. And my roommates decided it
would be a really great idea to put on fairly odd parents to calm me down. And I don't know where I
was at, but at one point, I did turn to my roommates and dead seriously said, I think if Mister
Turner really put aside his biases, him and Dinkleberg would be tender lovers. So, like, can we.
O'Neil: Let's dissect this for a second.
Olivia: Stuff that makes your boss concerned, but not for your job, like, for you, but not for your
job. Like that kind of thing. Sure. Yeah, yeah, I'm here for it.
O'Neil: Real quick. Just on that note, I do think that Mister and misses Dinkelberg were swingers.
Mister Dinkleberg and Ted Turner had a secret love affair. And, you know, misses Dinkleberg was
okay with it, but perhaps in the sort of tight social constructs
that are in Timmy's family. And maybe that's why. That's why he's sad. You know, maybe his parents
are secretly planning on getting divorced and, he's using the magic of fairies to keep them
together. But at what cost?
Olivia: Exactly.
O'Neil: Thank you. Welcome to my TED talk.
Olivia: Great meme format.
O'Neil: Great meme format. There we go, love.
Olivia: Welcome to my TED talk. Yeah, in this essay, I will.
O'Neil: Let's talk about form instruction for a second. I think we have an audio segment,
obviously, where we just bring different audio. I think it's like a talk podcast. And then, like,
the meme, right? So we talk about it, and then we present the meme. Or for the visual meme, we just
talk about it and then, like, talk about sort of the. The captions we could possibly put on images
or, you know, whatever, what have you. So how do we want to break that up in terms of structure? Do
we want to do.
Olivia: Okay, I think we should do the way that we should do it. We should have one, like, one
image, one sound bit, and then maybe some sort of audio visual, like, boast, like a video or, like,
an edit styles. we could do those three. but I think the categorization for the three
Olivia: of us to President our visual, our audio and our audio visual. Okay, so, But I also have
the perfect notebook for this.
O'Neil: Okay.
Olivia: This is a thing that I already owned. I purchased this a year ago. It is a notebook that
says meme critiques. It is empty so far. Yeah. Why own this?
O'Neil: Why don't wait this long to reveal this?
Olivia: Because I just remembered that I had it because it's been sitting on my bookshelf. The
other one, not that one over. The other one over here.
O'Neil: What the fuck?
Olivia: So that's. This one's for you.
O'Neil: All right, great. All right, beautiful. I do think that we need a few more than Just one
each. Maybe we do.
Olivia: I mean, that's nine memes.
O'Neil: Yeah, I was thinking more so, like, for sound specifically, we can channel a lot of these,
and then for images, we can channel a lot of them, but we'll have to maybe talk about all of them.
I'm thinking, like, this is a TikTok slideshow situation where we play we have the same slideshow
every time, but we have different sounds underneath each slideshow. So that way, you know, it
generates both views and also audio replays.
Olivia: Yeah. Okay, so something. So, like, the premise is, like, you have, like, a TikTok audio,
and then you have a slideshow audio. Is that kind of what we're like? We want to do two different
O'Neil: That's actually a good point. Maybe. Maybe you're right. Maybe there should be a separate
slideshow audio category, because with universal music jumping.
Olivia: Ship, they gotta fill that fucking content.
O'Neil: And maybe we create some original music content and hopefully get licensed there. exactly.
Tyler: So.
Olivia: You know.
Tyler: Yeah.
Olivia: So, like, that kind of thing.
O'Neil: Sonic that. I like it. I think that could be fun. okay, cool. So that was, the make a meme
Podcast. We'll figure out form instruction.
Olivia: Make a meme Podcast. Love that.
O'Neil: Mega beam.
Tyler: Mega bean. Mega meme.
O'Neil: Is this number 28?
Olivia: Oh, that's the last one I logged.
O'Neil: 28 is the last one you logged?
Olivia: Oh, I have no idea. Actually. I have no idea. What's the last one? I haven't looked at it
in a minute.
O'Neil: Okay, hold on.
Olivia: I've been kind of off grid lately, doing the whole grieving thing. It's great. It's fun
stuff. Love it.
O'Neil: Good. Good for the. Good for the bones. Good for the bones.
Olivia: Neither of you are allowed to die within my lifetime. I have to die first. I can't handle
O'Neil: I mean, I'm immortal. So you got one third covered.
Olivia: Stab me. and then I will kill you.
O'Neil: Well, I can't die, and I will.
Olivia: Tell everyone I did it.
Tyler: Well.
O'Neil: Oh, okay. Well, at least then recompense. Wait, hold on. You bastard.
Tyler: Oh, right.
O'Neil: Hold on. Let me. Let me fucking put these ideas first, and then we'll do the ad read, and
then we'll fucking goon together. All right? Friends are goon together.
Olivia: Gooners.
Tyler: Greta Skunberg, podcasters who goon together stay together.
O'Neil: Shit. You right, though. Olivia, was it? Once upon a time.
Olivia: Once upon a time. Hold on. Let me just turn up my mic real quick.
O'Neil: That was a very good visual bit. I like that. I like that. Save that one for make a meme.
Okay, cool. Fuck it. Okay. Anyway, Olivia, ad.
Olivia: Yeah, once upon a time. M add. Yes, of course. Okay, please. one sec. This episode of the
fucking pitch. Podcast Podcast is brought to you by pet Bowling, auto parts, and service centers to
find the parts you need by brands you trust. The engine of a car is a mystery, and no one knows how
it works. But I own a car.
O'Neil: Like combustion. M compression.
Olivia: Cops keep telling me my brake lights are out, and I quote, need to replace them, or your
car is going to get impounded again. Moose fumiodi. So I went to pep boys. I told the boys while
pointing at my 2014 Subaru outback and going lights the back ones. And the boys provided excellent
customer service. And I left satisfied and out of the Suffolk county jail. Pep boys. Place any
order online or book any service through the peppylads dot curve website and get a free oil change
with promo. Good. Pod. Pod. Pod at checkout. That boss, he'll keep you out of chain.
Tyler: I love how every ad read ends with Olivia, like, crying, laughing.
Olivia: That's a rhyming straight face.
Tyler: But by the time we've gotten to.
O'Neil: The Audrey, nobody got the giggles. Thank, you for the ad re Olivia. And as always, you can
find more about us at our website. Website. Website. Website biz. We're updating the transcripts.
Finally, I finally. Now that I have, like, the use of AI, I could actually use that to transcribe
our audio faster, and it's a lot cheaper. Thank you.
Olivia: You're uploading my fucking voice onto the Internet.
O'Neil: It's actually local, so it's even better. but, yeah, hopefully by the end of March, which
we fell behind a little bit. But, yeah. follow us on all the socials. Ppp.
O'Neil: We're on threads. We're on, Instagram, we're on TikTok. We might be on x still. I don't
know. I haven't been on there in a while. but you can find all of our stuff on website biz, and
we'll see you there. Oh, and also, please rate us five stars on Spotify, iTunes, I think YouTube
podcasts. Now, is that a thing? That might be a thing now. YouTube podcasts, are you, like. Anyway,
well, we're still figuring out that and expand into all those things, but follow us on all the
social medias. Rate us five stars. We deeply appreciate it.
Olivia: And with that, can I please get some water? Can I please get some water?
O'Neil: What does this look like? Does this look like a charity event? No. We're fucking podcasting
here. All right. Water.
Olivia: Thirsty. And my mouth tastes like metal.
Tyler: Oh, if you hang on, I have something to plug. I wrote go get your O'Neil plug. Yours is
about sporting sports. I wrote an article about being a bears fan and my experience growing, up
with the bears, and their quarterback dilemma. And, Tyler, I'm really proud of it, I think.
Olivia: Check out talent alone.
Tyler: Check out talent alone. is the website, and I'm really proud of the article. That I wrote.
that's all.
Olivia: Proud of you too, Tyler.
Tyler: I did an f one Podcast on there, too. That was pretty good.
Olivia: There you go.
O'Neil: I just want to say that if you betray us with sports talk again, I'll castrate you. Will ya
take your balls clean off? Get it to my girlfriend's foster dog. I'll do a tea, too.
Tyler: Oh, we can give him the livery. I'll be fine.
Olivia: Okay.
Tyler: Yeah, maybe her fish will want them.
Olivia: I've been in the market. The fish market? No.
O'Neil: Guys, has anybody ever, like, had a cancerous nut and then had to have a castration and
then use them as truck nuts? Cause I think that'd be pretty funny.
Olivia: Why are we talking about my dad again on the show? That joke earned me some water.
O'Neil: Yeah.
Olivia: Tyler, pitch your show now.
Tyler: Oh, it's my turn to pitch a show?
Olivia: Yeah.
O'Neil: Yeah.
Tyler: Well, some of you may know we discussed it briefly on outside. sports ball, that my favorite
race car driver, Lewis Hamilton, repping the Mercedes, is moving to Ferrari next year.
Olivia: Oh, shit.
O'Neil: Okay, I'm out.
Tyler: Which means, that I have exactly one year to convince team Principal Totowulf to give me
that seat at Mercedes.
O'Neil: I took a muffin.
Tyler: I'm bringing back Mister Carcargo's demonico God.
O'Neil: Oh, my fucking God. Oh, my fucking God. I can't fucking believe this. I can't fucking
believe this. I can't. You've been. You've betrayed it. Where's that fucking muffin tin? I'm
destroying it now.
Olivia: Wait, so. So, Tyler.
Tyler: Hang on, hang on, hang on. This time, this time I'm, bringing some help. Team principal
Olivia Fumiotti. Olivia watches f one. Now we fucking fire. Fucking got you.
Olivia: We were watching the bot rain race right before this.
O'Neil: This.
Olivia: Right before this.
O'Neil: Yes.
Olivia: I'm, gonna put that boy in that fucking Mercedes. Since November, I've watched every season
of drive to survive. I know racing stuff now. Ask me about the tires. Ask me about the fucking
Tyler: We fucking got your ass.
O'Neil: Yeah. Fuck. What do I do? What do I do?
Olivia: Yeah, so we do have crew O'Neil then.
O'Neil: You can't get any sort of diversity group. Okay, listen. The reason why we do it so well.
Olivia: How dare you take my identity away from me?
Tyler: Fucking.
O'Neil: Okay, sure.
Tyler: Yeah, yeah, that's not it again. there's a lot of rumors about who's gonna be in that second
seat, but it's gonna be me. It's gonna be me. I'm gonna be driving for
Mercedes next year with George Russell. Toto needs to give me the seat. I'm a middling.
Olivia: I could be, like, a technical director under Toto. I don't necessarily.
Tyler: Well, no, you. Why don't you be my racing coach?
Olivia: Perfect. I'll be your engineer.
O'Neil: Can I be the gecko that gets ran over by a car?
Tyler: Yeah, you could be my engineer. Yeah, Olivia. Olivia.
O'Neil: I'll be the guy. Yeah.
Olivia: hold on, on that.
O'Neil: What's that? What's the little. What's the little sewer cover thing that sort of exploded
Tyler: Oh, yeah, the sur cover that came out.
O'Neil: I'll just be that dead ass corpse in the middle that everybody has to drive around or else
they get penalized. Want my body to be exploded?
Tyler: I'm picturing this podcast as sort of a, you know, a. Ah, draft name. This is sort of
a draft name. Podcast style Podcast.
O'Neil: Sure, go ahead and blaspheme. My favorite project we've ever done about.
Tyler: Us contacting Mercedes Patronus AMG f one team and trying to convince them to offer, me a
million dollar contract for the second seat. In fact, I'll do it for free. I'll do them a favor.
I'll give them money. You know, I got, like, ten grand. I'll give them, like, ten grand to give me.
O'Neil: I I'm against this, but if we.
Olivia: Have to do this, I will be your dick. Last time was just kind of like, they'll find me. so
I think I started taking.
Tyler: It into my own hands here.
Olivia: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, you have help now, so.
Tyler: Exactly. I'm sort of a middling, iracing f four driver, so
Tyler: I'm pretty qualified.
Olivia: There you go. Exactly.
Tyler: I don't need a super license. I know there's only, like, 30 of them. Like, only 30
people are legally allowed.
O'Neil: To drive f one. Holy shit.
Tyler: Okay, O'Neil, so real quick. So, one of the fun things about f one is that the cars are so
powerful and dangerous, there's only 30 people in the world that are, like, legally allowed to
drive them.
Olivia: Yes. So, the current world champ, Max Verstappen, got his super license before he could
legally drive a car with an actual driver's license.
Tyler: Yeah.
O'Neil: Powerful, powerful man. Max the FIA. Super license requirements.
Tyler: Yeah. Why don't you break those down for me?
Olivia: Yeah.
O'Neil: Minimum age of 18 at the start of their first f one.
Tyler: Nailed it on top of it. This is like when we were trying to figure out how to get Olivia to
be an astronaut. I'm abandoning 18 already. I'm 24. In my physical prime. I needed to get some neck
exercises going, but I'm feeling good.
O'Neil: An existing holder of an international grade a competition license. Tyler, you got that on
your hand? On hand?
Tyler: let me dig around in my junk drawer. I think I got one.
O'Neil: Okay, yeah, sure. While you look for that, you have to be a holder of a valid driver's
license. Now, Tyler, have you switched over to California yet?
Tyler: Yes, I do have that. I can pull that up.
O'Neil: I switched over to California, so you're good there. So you're automatically a worse
driver. Already passing of the FIA theory on test knowledge in the f one sporting codes regulation
I could deal with.
Tyler: I can nail that right now. Don't think I will.
O'Neil: Okay, Tyler, what's the fastest you can go legally?
Tyler: Infinite.
Olivia: There isn't a limit unless there's a yellow flag, and then you do have to slow down.
Tyler: or. Or you hear a the pit lane, which. There's a pit lane. And that depends on the track.
O'Neil: You have to have completed at least 80% of two full seasons of any of the championships
reported in the supplement. One of the regulations. So how many champions in a year?
Tyler: Get me an f. Two. You know, you know, put me. You know what? I think Kimmy Antonelli's
still, like, 17. Put me in his seat. I got it. Yeah. Give me. Get me informuli. Get me an indycar,
get me a NASCAR. Get me in any sort of racing series he can. Now give me an I one academy. I know
that one's just for women, but it's fine.
O'Neil: Post castration, we'll get you in. Accumulated 40 points over the previous three seasons in
any combination of the championships, supported in supplement one.
Tyler: That's gonna be an issue. How am I going to retroactively convince.
O'Neil: Them to give you 40 points to.
Tyler: Give me 40 points over the last three seasons?
O'Neil: Now, I didn't realize this, but is this sort of like, Do you have to sort of score baskets
with your f one car? Cause then I might be in.
Tyler: Oh, yeah, you totally have to dunk on people.
Olivia: Yeah, you do have to dunk on people by going the fastest and also, doing the fastest one
lap more than anybody else, and then you have.
O'Neil: To score a touchdown.
Olivia: Yeah, well, yeah, so by dunking on everybody, you score 25 points, if not 26.
O'Neil: Oh, there's a variability.
Olivia: There's a bonus point. There's a field goal. Yeah. It's for doing the fastest lap.
Tyler: Yeah, there is an extra point. All right, enough point.
O'Neil: Let's talk this fucking fiction, man. This, fiction that. Tyler's fiction.
Tyler: O'Neil. Fucking a, non believer right here, okay?
Olivia: Ridiculous.
Tyler: He doesn't believe.
O'Neil: Why? At least get to chop off your legs again.
Tyler: I am the f one muadib. I am the quisatz, haderac.
O'Neil: And I'm the giant sandworm Austrian.
Tyler: Lou Samuelson's gonna see me walking down the paddock, and he's gonna fucking retire, okay?
Olivia: Immediately. Look at that prime physical just specimen we've talked about.
O'Neil: Turbo teen.
Tyler: Yeah.
O'Neil: And I hate to bring this back.
Tyler: But maybe can Luz hamilton m ride.
O'Neil: In me or Tyler, or I become the turbo team, and you drive me and oligot mechanic.
Olivia: I'll be your team principal. Yeah. Okay. I, talked directly. So, like, instead of, two,
it's a car situation. They didn't allow one man and one car, and that's the entire team.
Tyler: They didn't allow.
Olivia: What name are we racing under?
Tyler: That's a good point.
Olivia: No, andretti.
O'Neil: no.
Tyler: And ready? Our team name is Chipotle adidas RB Junior. Yeah, that's a good f one joke,
O'Neil, for anybody. That's very. Watch the fun.
Olivia: Hold on. Wait. Speaking of meme content, you finish your. I'll send the meme.
O'Neil: Okay, yeah.
Tyler: Well, so, basically, they didn't allow a new team in this year. It was kind of big news in
the off season, is that they didn't allow a new team. But I think we could be the new team, and
maybe that's the only take. Instead of convincing Toto, I think that my biggest goal, honestly, I
really just wanted to have Toto wolf on the fucking pitch. But maybe we could have him on. Instead
of convincing him to give me that Mercedes seat, he could give us some advice on how to launch an f
one team.
O'Neil: Great. Fantastic.
Olivia: Do you think he will give us one of those very high collared white shirts?
Tyler: I want one so bad. Just a big german man in a stiff college shirt.
Olivia: Big, beautiful austrian man in an embroidered shirt that changes every season, and he has a
million of them, and I do not know how he does not get the seasons confused in his closet.
O'Neil: So
O'Neil: we're gonna address. Okay, so Tyler's sort of Persona, from what I'm picking up. Picking up
here is Hitler youth. So, Tyler, how do you feel about sort of jojo wrapping it up? oh.
Tyler: Could I have. Who would be my one Jojo rabbit?
O'Neil: Not.
Tyler: Well, who can better strip him? Be my jojo rabbit fake person behind me?
Olivia: Oh, no, it's Zach Brown, just like Zack Brown.
Tyler: Just like, hey, brother. I was on Wheel of Fortune. I won Wheel of Fortune. And that's why I
got McLaren steam principal won Wheel of Fortune. And he used that money to buy a go kart when he
was a kid and credits him getting into racing when he was young.
O'Neil: Yes. So here's something for fun. You guys are gonna have to tell me sort of where. Where
the edit points on this particular segment is. Cuz I have no idea what you're talking about. But I
do think you're right. You do need a villain. So who's your villain?
Olivia: I mean, you either gotta go from the top. So you've got to either take Max off the top or
you go towards like.
Tyler: Or I go for the bottom. I've got the bottom. There's one american driver on the f one grid.
His name's Logan. Sorry, sergeant. And he's trash. No offense, Logan. I root for you, but I think
there's room for one American. All, There's room only room for one American on the grid. And we
have to have an american off with Logan Sargent. And to convince. Yes. Dick dastardly hot dog
eating contest for the Williams f one seat with Logan Sargent.
O'Neil: So.
Olivia: Nicest man on the grid.
O'Neil: What's his name?
Olivia: Sweetest baby angel that ever drove an f one car.
Tyler: The American f one driver. Logan Sargent.
O'Neil: No, no, no, the Nathan's.
Tyler: Oh, well, he should be in that f one seat. not Nathan.
Olivia: What did chess the jaws. F one driver.
O'Neil: So it's Joey Chestnut v. Tyler v. This other racing guy.
Tyler: and Dick dastardly, maybe for the Williams f one.
O'Neil: It's come down to this. We have. We have a little bit of prefab before this, but this is
where. This is like the climax of this one before you begin your first race. And maybe I'm there.
Maybe it's like a. Maybe it's like a. Almost like triathlon. It's an. It's an all american.
Tyler: One section is racing. One section is racing.
O'Neil: One section's shooting.
Tyler: One section.
Olivia: Okay, so I'm, on athletespeakers.com and I can. Can request a booking request for Joey
Chestnut. Okay, let's go ahead and bang that. Minimum $10,000. Minimum
Tyler: It's a draft.
Olivia: But I think if we really want to get mister car car goes to Monaco and Nathan's, then I
Tyler: I could have a Nathan's hot dog sponsored car.
O'Neil: So all the time you have to wear a Nathan's t shirt? When I transform.
Olivia: Like, seen the value in, motorsports. Listen, you have fucking Red Bull, which is a fucking
drinks company. Oh. It's the fastest cars right now, and it's very silly. Why do the meat not have
a car?
Tyler: There's nothing. Yeah, there's nothing that gives you more. Listen, Red Bull gives you a lot
of energy, but nothing gives you more energy than me.
Olivia: Like pure protein.
O'Neil: Yeah, true.
Tyler: And I think Nathan should embrace that sort of extreme sports.
O'Neil: Can we talk about something for a second?
Tyler: Yeah.
O'Neil: Red Bull has been cornering the market, and I don't know how.
Olivia: Which one they.
O'Neil: They've. huh?
Olivia: Which.
Tyler: Which market? Which the Margie drinks or sports?
O'Neil: General. General market. General. The reason why the Fed is raising these interest rates is
to bring down the monopoly that is Red Bull. They have Final Fantasy. They've got the gaming
corners lined up. They've got the racing corners lineup. I'm surprised they haven't bought Sony by
this point because it seems like that's their next fucking step, is to just fucking take over the
gaming space and the racing.
Tyler: Drinking a Red Bull. Is that anything?
O'Neil: A Pepsi.
Tyler: Could we. Could we have gotten Max Verstappen and Sergio could we have gotten Max Verstappen
and Sergio Perez and Madam Webb?
Olivia: Look, they're right fucking. There they are. Oh, my fucking little guys.
O'Neil: No spawn con. No spawn con.
Tyler: We've been talking about Nathan's hot dogs for 20 minutes.
Olivia: I just did an ad for Nathan's.
O'Neil: Hot dogs is funny. all right. let's go fucking. I can't believe you. I can't believe you've
done this.
Tyler: So.
Olivia: Doing this. Yes.
O'Neil: Titles, no.
Olivia: Okay. Yeah. So Mister Caricara goes to Monaco, Mister.
Tyler: Carcargon's seat, mister Cargo. Quick question for you guys. We suggested a three part
american triathlon with me and Logan Sargent and Joey Chestnut, that would be. And Dick Dasherley
that would be shooting guns, eating hot dogs, and racing a car. Do you think I'd be favored in any
three of those competitions?
O'Neil: Here's the thing, Tyler. I think you can get solid second in all three, and that's what
puts you over the top.
Tyler: You don't even get Logan at eating hot dogs. I think I could beat Joey Chestnut at shooting
and racing cars.
O'Neil: M
O'Neil: exactly.
Olivia: So that puts you above and at least, you know. There you go. Exactly. You were raised by
the same earth and water. Exactly.
O'Neil: And swamp.
Tyler: We're kind of the same, he and I.
O'Neil: It would be a shocking twist if actually it turned out it was your father sort of
masquerading. Oh, my God.
Olivia: Wait, Tyler, look. Got what it takes. Red Bull.com slash tryouts. Why are we going for
fucking mercedes shape?
Tyler: We're gonna be the next Red Bull count seed.
Olivia: Oh, my God. M. Yeah, that might be the. Yeah, I can listen.
Tyler: I would let Max races every day.
Olivia: And off the tracks for stopping.
Tyler: I can't believe you've done this. No, I'm trying.
Olivia: Listen.
Tyler: Yes. Yeah, go ahead, Olivia O'Neil.
Olivia: So, there was a recording that we did. I think it was literally after who slayed where you
went to go pick up Sarah. And Tyler and I were on the call, not even kidding, for another four or 5
hours while he sold me on watching f one. That was in November. I have been watching.
O'Neil: Wow.
Olivia: The, like. Yeah. No, I've been so good. I've been wanting to post about this shit since
November. And I, didn't. Because we. We've been doing a bit for four months that you didn't know
about. And now I'm genuinely invested in motorsport. This specific one. Not any of the other ones.
But I'm like. Like. I genuinely. Tyler and I were texting before the recording because we were
watching the race today.
Tyler: Yeah, the new season. Ridiculous 1st, 2nd verse. Same as the first. Max.
O'Neil: Can I tell you guys something? I've been really into NASCAR lately. no, that's not true.
Tyler: That would be crazy. I'm a huge Kyle Larson fan.
Olivia: Fucking.
O'Neil: I got back into rocket league. It's pretty fun.
Olivia: Who's the malcolm in the middle? The one in the middle. Who was him?
Tyler: Frankie Muniz.
Olivia: He's an escrow driver now. He's an escrow driver.
O'Neil: What's the. What's the actor who was in your favorite movie of last year? Tyler? The
Tyler: The killer, Jesse?
O'Neil: Michael Mann.
Tyler: What are you talking about?
O'Neil: Is Michael Mann? Is he the racer.
Tyler: Oh, and the killer. Michael Fassbender.
O'Neil: Yeah.
Tyler: Michael Fassbender does drive cars. He drives weck, though. He drives world endurance
O'Neil: All right, fucking. Let's come up with a title. This is nothing.
Tyler: It's a Monaco. It's a good muffin. I did it.
O'Neil: You have to rebrand it. You have to rebrand it.
Olivia: It's branded. But you have to come up with an entirely different. The name itself is good.
But now he has.
Tyler: Can we call it the true american triathlon?
O'Neil: The true american triathlon. I do love. Actually. Holy shit. I love that the true american
triathlon is powerful.
Tyler: Big cars, big guns, big dogs.
Olivia: Big dogs.
O'Neil: Holy shit. That's pretty good. The true american shit.
Olivia: If we don't end up doing the fucking pitch, I'm still making that fucking Podcast. Cover.
That's fucking unreal. That's so good.
Tyler: I'm gonna turn it, sergeant. Like running away from a giant jar.
Olivia: One car.
O'Neil: Wait.
Olivia: What if we race to the Wiener mobile?
Tyler: Mister Meyer Wiener. That would be for the Mercedes. That would be for the Mercedes.
Olivia: Thank you very much.
Tyler: That's a German. That's the meats.
Olivia: That's the, meat.
O'Neil: And then me, obviously. Erasing me. what was it? It was big cars, big guns, big dogs.
Olivia: Correct.
O'Neil: All right, let's do recap.
Olivia: Yeah. Once upon a time is a new, retelling of old folklores using the tropes found within
the folklore index as made popular by Arne Thompson and Uther.
O'Neil: Okay. The make a meme podcast is a podcast where we try to create memes to artificially
grow ourselves using audio. Using visual. Using audio visual. It's a make a meme Podcast.
Tyler: and the true american triathlon. Big cars, big guns, big dogs.
O'Neil: We've done it. And so we. I think it's time to go into deliberation how we feel it. I think
we did actually bring three great podcasts, even though I've been betrayed.
Olivia: Actually brought a contender this week. Yes, I brought a contender.
O'Neil: Okay, so how are you feeling about all three?
Olivia: I honestly want to do all three, just three weeks in a row.
O'Neil: I know.
Tyler: I don't want to do.
Olivia: I don't want to do any of the ones on the list.
Tyler: Let me get Logan on the phone.
Olivia: If we get Logan on the phone. Listen, if one of us gets Logan, one of us gets toto, and the
other one gets Joey, I think.
O'Neil: Yeah.
Tyler: We get Gunther Steiner to call the. Call the event. He's available. He got fired. He's the
main character. O'Neil, the main character. That documentary series got fired, so now he doesn't
have a job anymore. We
Tyler: get him on the fucking pitch.
O'Neil: Okay, great. So we got an unemployed guy. Great. We got essentially three unemployed
people. I guess. Tyler, you do have a job.
Tyler: I do have a job. I do. I don't count. It doesn't count, though.
Olivia: I heard Gunther Steiner. Shut the fuck up. Give me a shit.
O'Neil: That's not what you love.
Tyler: Olivia. Do you know why he's always on the phone with Gene Hoss and, like, Gene Hoss is in
the show? Have I told you that?
Olivia: No. I didn't know if there was a specific reason for it.
Tyler: So, basically, there's a running gag in the show that, Gene Oz was arrested for tax evasion,
like, ten years ago, and he's not allowed to leave the country.
Olivia: Oh, my God. So that's why he only goes to the US races.
Tyler: Yeah.
Olivia: Oh, don't. I have to call Gene.
Tyler: I have to.
O'Neil: Ah.
Tyler: This call with Gene is going to be so bad. You know what I'm talking about, memes O'Neil.
There's so many good ones. I'll smash your door. What?
Olivia: We look like a bunch of fucking rankers.
O'Neil: Okay, this is. I can already tell where this is going, which is that you two are just
fucking yucking it up over f one. Memes.
Tyler: Oh. No. We talked about. Talked about Bill Simmons for ten minutes. That's true.
O'Neil: That's true. That's true. That's true.
Olivia: And I think Tyler and I have been working on this for months. I think we're allowed to reap
our fucking rewards right now.
O'Neil: You guys got me. You guys got me good. You guys got me good. Oh, fuck. All right, how we
feeling? How we feeling about these ideas? I'm being completely honest. I don't think I have enough
to still help with the big american triathlon. I know. So that would be more of a ride writing
thing. Obviously.
Tyler: That would be. We'd have to. We'd have to contact Joey Chestnut.
O'Neil: We'd have to get Joey Chestnut on the horn, or at least AI his voice.
Tyler: Listen, I'm hurdles wise. I think we can put that one. We could. Listen, as much as I'd love
it, we can put it on the back.
O'Neil: I do like it. I do like it. For a future big depth, especially if I need more for my
fucking writing credits.
Olivia: Olivia fumioti sketch comedy, a thousand percent.
O'Neil: We've got a good backlog out there. Yeah, I think that would be a smart, smart idea to put
that on the back burner for now. So between make a meme and once a party, I love both.
Olivia: Mister Chestnut for availability on a Podcast host.
O'Neil: We don't have $10,000.
Olivia: Who knows? You might do it for free. Just for the. Just for the call.
O'Neil: For the fucking meme of it. Just. Just make sure to put big american triathlons on and big
caps all out.
Tyler: What celebrity do you think we could convince to get on the fucking pitch?
O'Neil: Just off of merit.
Tyler: Just off of, like, he's a mensch there. Bill Murray.
Olivia: Bill Murray.
O'Neil: Murray, I think, would. Look at the thought. I think Bill Murray would have a great time on
the Pod.
Olivia: Adam Sandler, could we get Adam on the. On the.
Tyler: I think he wants money. He would be money.
O'Neil: Or, like, cool, other cool people, you know?
Tyler: Yeah.
O'Neil: Bill Murray will just fucking show up. We might not even send him a link in one of these
days. Bill Murray might just show. Show up.
Tyler: That's my point. yeah, yeah.
O'Neil: Okay.
Olivia: Sorry.
O'Neil: Okay.
Tyler: Okay.
O'Neil: Okay. Okay. Okay. So which of the two are we thinking once upon a time or
make a meme?
Olivia: I really like both of them.
O'Neil: Okay. We haven't done a new bit depth in a while.
Olivia: That's true.
O'Neil: Could we offer both?
Tyler: Oh, and we do the. Our b segment next week is one of them. And then the bit depth. Yes.
O'Neil: And then we do a, bit depth is another one. Is that too much? We've done a lot of bit
depths recently. Outside sports ball and the Hollywood Junior recently. Yes.
Tyler: I feel like we need to get. We haven't recorded enough of these shows.
O'Neil: That's fair. That's fair. That's fair. Fuck. You're right. You're right. Oh. Oh, fuck. But
I really love make a meme. But I also love what's upon me.
Olivia: Very good. I think it would be very funny.
Tyler: I think make a meme will be very funny. The only thing about make a meme m is that it
require quite a bit of editing and date us really bad.
O'Neil: Well, no, no, no. Wait, wait. But it's your. But it's your concept?
Tyler: I think, is it not just a series of bits?
O'Neil: It's a series of bits, but it's us creating new memes. So it wouldn't date us. It would
actually, you know, ostensibly project us.
Olivia: Here's the origin point here is exactly.
O'Neil: We create new memes. So it's just sounds.
Tyler: Recreating and making.
O'Neil: No, no, we have to. This would. This would take preparation, but it would be after
crafting, creating interesting, projecting into the future.
Tyler: Uh-huh. I feel like memes have to come about naturally and that.
O'Neil: No, no.
Tyler: They can name one meme that was created intentionally to be a meme.
Olivia: Wizards f 100.
O'Neil: Like, literally a lot of tumblr posts, for sure.
Tyler: Okay, so that's the level of memory. Okay, gotcha.
O'Neil: But we also. That's the thing is, like, we're creating the sounds. The sounds
would be so good. We could make so many fucking sounds.
Olivia: And like, we each sort of, I guess, excel in these areas. Like, we each have, like, our own
sort of category that we could probably excel in.
Olivia: because I feel actually, you know what, Olivia?
Olivia: Yes.
O'Neil: And tell me if this isn't fair, because I don't. I don't think this, you know, you can make
an argument against it. Once upon a time is pretty similar in structure to who slayed.
Olivia: So maybe because of the structure that you try to suggest.
O'Neil: That's fair.
Tyler: That's fair.
O'Neil: That's fair. That's fair.
Olivia: Where I almost am seeing this as a Wikipedia challenger.
O'Neil: Wiki challenger deep.
Olivia: Wiki challenger deep. Where we have a random beginning, and then we have to build from
there, at least in the very, very start of it. I don't necessarily see it as a who slade. I see it
as a writing thing. It could be comedy, could be something in between. I think it is a little more
thought and a lot less Calvin ball.
O'Neil: Okay.
Olivia: Yeah. Cause we actually have, you know, it's less the, like, mad lib part of it and more,
you know, we could have, like, a silly little mad lib part with the three of us together. But I
think, you know, we could come up with our own ridiculous folk tales that, again, could be said in
the modern day.
O'Neil: Oh, see, I don't think we got the modern day thing. I was still thinking this is.
Olivia: No, no, no. We're not doing, like, We're not going to the Black Forest in Germany. No,
like, m. This is, like.
O'Neil: Oh, see, I was completely. I completely did not.
Olivia: Yeah, we can put it in whatever setting we want. Sorry, the alien as bridegroom. Chicken
O'Neil: Okay, interesting. In that case, all three of these would require, like, previous work. So
they're, you know, as far as, like, structure and everything goes. Okay, interesting. Yeah, I
don't. Man, I'm kind of stuck. Tyler, where are you landing? Between make a meme and once a pottery
of time, if here's.
Tyler: Here's my sort of logic. If make a meme doesn't land. It's really bad. It's really bad.
Yeah, I think so.
Olivia: It could be pretty rough.
O'Neil: Okay.
Tyler: but what I will say is that Olivia's has the most space to play in, you know, or the
parameters of the space are more defined.
O'Neil: Okay, sure, sure.
Tyler: In the sense that I think make a meme would be, You were talking about the shaggy dog thing.
Might be a little too loosey goosey. I feel like make a meme might end up a little too loosey
goosey is what I'm saying. And it would require a lot of work to make it. Not that.
O'Neil: Well, that's what I'm saying is, like, it would be the work. The work. I feel like,
especially now that, Liver sort of firmed up the fact that they're both writing. I think they're
both probably about the same amount of work, which is we write beforehand. Liver for yours, then.
What's the game of it.
Olivia: I mean, the game is that we sort of. I don't know if we're deciding for each other, or
it's, like, randomly, like, here's the trope you get. Or, like, here's the story. You have to
rewrite in a specific context. We could kind of do a generated, like, okay, so you have to do
beauty, and the beast in outer space. Or, like, you have. You know, we could do something like
that, too, where, like, it could be like, okay, here's how you put your spin
on it. Or we just, like, generate it from, you know, hey, I think you, like, just literally, like,
throwing a dart, being like, okay, you're doing 408. The three oranges, and, you know, go from
there. What?
O'Neil: The three oranges.
Olivia: The three oranges.
O'Neil: Okay. Okay. I'm fine with going to. Once upon a time, I think we might need to bang out a
little bit more of the structure really quickly insofar as, like, so if this is. Are we each
getting, like, randomly assigned ones, and then we're bringing story elements to it? Are we telling
original story?
Tyler: Drop all of. All of them in a bag? I think there's a way to spreadsheet that, to drop them
in a bag. And we randomly assign each one to each of us.
O'Neil: Okay.
Tyler: Or we randomly assign three of them, and then we have to. Three of them into a story. I
know. That's the point.
O'Neil: Okay. Sure.
Olivia: We have for each of us individually. Yeah.
O'Neil: Okay.
Tyler: Oh, no, I was saying one for each of us. What do you say?
Olivia: Oh, okay.
O'Neil: Okay. Okay.
Olivia: One for each of us in, like, the.
Tyler: I was thinking three total.
O'Neil: Three total.
Tyler: There's. We randomly pull three out, one for each of us. And based on that, we have to,
like, it's a three segment show. There's the initial part where we pull them out of the bag. Then
it's, like, a little bit of a writing session where we come up with the general idea, and then
we'll be like, we'll be right back. And then we step away, fully write it out, and at the end, we
narrate our story.
O'Neil: Okay. So we fully write out the thing.
Tyler: Okay.
Olivia: Okay.
O'Neil: Okay, so this one will be a lot more audiobook.
Olivia: Yes. And I think. I think what, Tyler? Like, collaborative thing to it. Structure being
like, here's the thing that I created in a vacuum. okay. So it's a lot more collaborative.
Tyler: That's what I'm saying. I think it'd be better. Better audio.
O'Neil: Okay.
Olivia: We could have, like, a funny little writers room. We'd be like, but what if he's a fucking.
Like, what if he turns into a chicken and, like, you know, we have, like.
Tyler: Yeah, once we're like, well, we're gonna go type this up. We'll be right. Right back with
O'Neil: Okay, cool. All right, that sounds good. That sounds good to me. How many, Olivia, like, in
the Cinderella one. How many are in the Cinderella one?
Olivia: the actual cinderella?
Olivia: Let'S see.
O'Neil: Or any of the other stories that you see.
Olivia: But, like, cinderella, that, is 510. Okay, so these are all the different.
O'Neil: It almost has. What the fuck was it? Podcast, the squeak will the return and a little bit.
Tyler: Yeah. except for the live reading of the script at the end.
O'Neil: At the end, yeah.
Olivia: Okay, so 510 includes s 31, cruel stepmother. l 55, stepdaughter, heroin. B 450, helpful
birds. D 1050.1 is clothes produced by magic. N 815 is fairy is helping. N 711.6 is Prince C's
heroin at ball and is enamored. c 761.3 is taboo, stays too long at ball. F 823.2, glass shoes. H
36.1. Slipper test. And, K 1911, three. Three. One is false brides mutilated feet, ten.
O'Neil: So maybe we do three each. Or is that two too much? Two each.
Olivia: Probably two each. We don't need necessarily do everything.
Tyler: Yeah, that feels like a lot. That feels like a lot, though.
O'Neil: Well, there are ten in Cinderella. There were ten in Cinderella. We're cutting it down to
Tyler: Yes. I guess we'll work it out.
O'Neil: We'll work it out.
Olivia: Yeah, but, like, that's essentially what that would be like for that process.
O'Neil: Great. Great. All right, so, with that, we'll be back to you next week with once upon a
time. Olivia, would you like to lead us in prayer?
Olivia: Yes, of course. please, bow your heads and curl, yourself toes.
O'Neil: Mm Don't. Don't. Hey, Tyler, you're edging. Don't let it loose. Keep those toes
Olivia: All right. silence, please. Yeah. Dear Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, we offer our retelling of
Cinderella to you and the airwaves and the general public of the world as we know it to pay homage
to the stories and forms that you created, set forth for us in hopes that we can create something
worthy of imitation, worthy of your name. And they
lived happily ever after. Amen.
O'Neil: Amen. Oh, I wanna finish.
Tyler: Amen.
O'Neil: We'll be back to you next week with what's upon the time.
Olivia: Damn. If that's how you feel about Cinderella, I'm m fucking worried about Snow
White shit.