FEED DROP: Who Slayed? | Episode 25: Who Sleighed Criss Tingle?

Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the Vegas Strip,

Murder was afoot, the blood all a-drip.

For poor Chris Tingle, there would be no more gifts.

And the killer responsible must plead the fifth.

Celebrity Christmas stunt magician Chriss Tingle was found dead in Penn and Tellers greenroom as he was preparing for the annual Jingle Spells magic exposition. Our three detectives are on the case to deduce Who Sleighed Chriss Tingle.

The following Transcripts are a.I. generated and their accuracy cannot be 100% confirmed.

Olivia: Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the Vegas strip, murder was afoot. The

blood all adrip for poor Chris tingle. There would be no more gifts, and the killer responsible

must plead the fifth. Celebrity Christmas stunt magician Chris Tingle was found dead in Penn and

Teller's green room as he was preparing for the annual jingle spells magic exposition. Our three

detectives are on the case to deduce who slayed Chris tingle.

Tyler: Hey, detective Cage, you're gonna want to see this.

O'Neil: What do you have, detective mahoney? M

Tyler: Well it looks like,

Tyler: ..looks like his chest is caved in. It's a big old hoof print.

O'Neil: Detective McCracker, you mind taking a look at this?

Olivia: Yeah, it looks like it's, cloven. Not like a horse's hoof print or nothing. It looks like

it's a, you know, point at the ends. Looks like a big, like, goat or something.

Tyler: You guys don't think Krampus was involved in this junto, do ya? I'm scared of


O'Neil: Detective mahoney.

Olivia: Krampus isn't real. Mahoney. Don't worry about it.

O'Neil: Detective McCrecker, I think that's a very big assumption for you to make, that Krampus

isn't real.

Olivia: Hey, don't put words in my mouth, Cage, all right? I didn't say krampus.

Tyler: Look, cramp. Listen, we're all afraid of Krampus, okay? That's that's something we can all

get behind.

Olivia: Hey, Cage, we should probably humor him on this one. You know how he gets, especially

around Christmas.

O'Neil: Detective McCracker, I actually went to school with Krampus.

Tyler: Listen, my wife left me for Krampus. He took half the family visitors.

Olivia: Is that why you had to become a cop?

Tyler: No, I had to become a. I had to become a cop. Now, Krampus, I see him every Christmas in my

House. Cause he's fucking my wife.

O'Neil: And the kids like him more. I know. He sends me a Christmas card every year. With your wife

and kids, you don't.

Tyler: Have to be mean, Cage.

Olivia: Wait, is that so what they say? Dad? They're not talking about you.

Tyler: No, they call him dad, and they just call me Detective Mohney.

O'Neil: Wait, guys, hold on a second. Examining this further, I'm detecting a lot of. Look at the

gaping wound. Touch the edges of it.

Tyler: I mean, hey, you should probably put gloves on first.

Olivia: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Hold on, hold on, hold on. I got my tweezers here. Wait,

there's shards in this. I mean, yeah, there's. We got the cloven footprint. But there's shards in

here. It looks like candy canes. You know, like when you suck on them, like when you're a kid and

they get real sharp. It's like that, but a lot of them and little.

O'Neil: So sort of a candy cane frag bomb is what you're saying.

Olivia: Maybe, but related to a foot?

Tyler: What kind of sick fuck would do something like that?

Olivia: I mean, it could be a reindeer, but that doesn't make sense. I mean, there's a bunch of

them walking around the strip just because you can own whatever kind of animals you want here in

Las Vegas, Nevada. But, I mean.

O'Neil: Wait, guys. Shake. Shake the body again. Detective McCracker, shake the body again.

Olivia: Is that your leg?

Tyler: Is the body any harder?

Olivia: No, it's okay. I'll just grab the legs. Oh, wait.

O'Neil: Wait a second.

Tyler: I mean, I would say he's tingling, but,

O'Neil: Yeah!

Olivia: Mahoney, m get serious. All right? A man is dead.

Tyler: Sorry, boss.

O'Neil: Wait a second. In the wound, there's, like, 40 rolls of quarters in here.

Olivia: Interesting.

Tyler: You know, Chris Tingle was was known to hang out at the arcade at circus circus. You think

that has something to do with this?

Olivia: And palm coins? That was part of his, like, up close? Kinda, yeah. I mean, we could head

over there, ask a couple questions, see if anybody saw anything, but, this mystery.

O'Neil: Is getting even more confounding than I possibly thought.

Olivia: You know what? On my way in here, I Saw eight maids of milken, if you know what I mean. So

maybe we should go and ask them.

Tyler: I never liked circus circus. Ever since Krampus took my kids there, and they had such a

great time, it's become a dark place for me. But I have to brave it. Today. There's no one in there

because, it's an off weekend in Vegas, so people can afford to stay in some of the seed list hotels

instead of just circus circus. The only sounds are of the clinging and ringing of the arcade games.

O'Neil: I Saw a certain mint on those quarters. Let's see if we can find out if there's any sort of

trace we can find here.

Olivia: Yeah, Mahoney, remind me. When this is all over, I'm gonna kick your ass in pinball.

O'Neil: Stay focused, McCracker.

Olivia: I'm sorry. Hey. Upset. When it's over, I'm gonna see if I can find those eight mates of

milking, if you know what I mean. It should be in the, gentle elves club, if you know what I mean.

O'Neil: Ladies, of the night.

Olivia: They're pole dancers, cage.

O'Neil: Oh, okay. Yeah, I was a little confused.

Olivia: Specialty


Olivia: dancers. Those are athletes.

O'Neil: I respect that.

Tyler: Pipe down. There's someone busting in. Hey. The two years he's walking past, he's causing a

ruckus. Is that Bono from the band? You two. Oi.

Olivia: Oh my God.

Tyler: It's me, Bono from the band. You two. Chris Tingle is my best friend. He was going to come

on stage and we were gonna. He was gonna do close up magic at the sphere with me and my band. You

two and I need to know what's happening.

Olivia: Oh, and they could show it on the outside. No. Okay. Mister Bono. May I call you Mister


Tyler: You may.

Olivia: Mister Bono. We are doing everything in our. The Las Vegas police department is doing

everything that we can to figure out what happened to Mister Tingle.

Tyler: Okay, here's the thing you don't know about me, Bono, and it's that I was in that dream room

with m Mister Kristingle right before he died.

Olivia: So you were there at the scene of the crime?

Tyler: I was at the scene of the crime. Chris was okay when I left. He was, we were having a bit of

the Christmas nose candy. I should probably shouldn't tell that to cops. It's all right. I'm seeing

Vegas. I can do what I want. Mister Bono. You sound very, you sound very english for an irishman.

Yes, it's it's, it's this dry. It's the dry. The Vegas desert air.

Olivia: Desert.

O'Neil: Bono, if you wouldn't mind, tell us who would want to do this to Chris Tingle?

Tyler: I don't know, but we did heard the sound of clumping on the roof before I left.

Olivia: Would you say it was more than, one set of, clumps? Or would you say it's anywhere from two

to eight?

Tyler: Now here's something you don't know about the lead singer of the band, YouTube bonobos. Me.

It's that I used to raise reindeer when I was a young lad and to me it sounded just like, just like

a team of reindeer coming down on top of the roof.

Olivia: So you'd say it was roughly eight nine reindeer. I think I know where you're going, Mister

Bono of the band. You two.

Tyler: That's right. I think you do know where I'm going. And now I have to go and play at the

sphere. I'm already late.

O'Neil: Mister Bono from u two. thank you for your time. I think that's it is maybe a good idea to

check the top of the sphere.

Olivia: It's quite a hunch. Yeah, I think that's a great next location.

O'Neil: So great.

Olivia: No. Eight maids of milk in just on.

O'Neil: Tyler decided instead of eight. Ah, maids of milk. And we're gonna go talk to you two. From


Tyler: Listen, that was my wild card. Damn. It.

O'Neil: We led the team to the top of the sphere. I know what you're thinking. How do you get to a

top of a sphere? It's, well, spherical. But luckily, our crack team of detectives knew just the

right people to get to the tippy tippy top.

Olivia: I can't believe these window washers gave us the suction cups that they used to climb


O'Neil: Detective. A cracker. Be careful. It is not, the most sticky object you could sort of climb


Olivia: So there's so much sand and dust on these led panels.

O'Neil: How do they keep the illusion going? It's quite confounding.

Olivia: I can't imagine the maintenance on this is gonna last long.

O'Neil: Wait a second. Detective McCracker.

Olivia: Yo.

O'Neil: Doesn't this surface seem particularly sticky to you?

Olivia: Well, yeah, now that you think about it. I don't even think I need the suction cups.

O'Neil: Wait a second. Check the residue. Look at duct tape. Glue.

Olivia: Duct tape glue.

O'Neil: I only know one set of criminals that would do something like this. Cover the entire sphere

in duct tape residue. The wet sticky bandits.

Tyler: Oh, the sticky bandits.

O'Neil: They rebranded.

Olivia: Wait, the sticky bandits have been in the can for, like, the last, what, 25 years?

Tyler: You just released? As a result of the bail posted by my ex wife's husband. Krampus.

Olivia: Damn it to hell.

O'Neil: Wait, I'm getting a sense that this might be some sort of conspiracy.

Olivia: I mean, let's just see if we can get to the top of this thing. I mean, so do you think

they're trying to st. Can you still move? Yeah, we can still move with the top.

O'Neil: Yeah, we could.

Olivia: We can climb this top of this thing, but, no, it's a good hunch, Cage. I'll keep that in

mind. Let me write it down in my tiny notebook.

O'Neil: Wait, what's that over there on the bellago?

Tyler: I think it's pronounced Bellagio in chief.

Olivia: Potatoes don't know how to pronounce.

Tyler: How long have you lived in this city, Detective Cage?

O'Neil: I'm a transplant. But do you see that figure? Doesn't that look eerily like Chris tingle?

Olivia: Wait, wait.

O'Neil: He's making a jump for it. No, Chris. No, no.

Olivia: Oh, my God.

O'Neil: Oh, my God.

Olivia: We gotta get down there.

O'Neil: That was just Chris tingle. He just jumped off the bellagio.

Olivia: Call the precinct to get emts here.

O'Neil: Pronto and get us a foe.

Olivia: No, Siri. Siri,


Olivia: do not call the police. Siri. Do not call the police.

Tyler: Hey, we are already the police. Siri. Hey. Siri. Call the police.

Olivia: We are the police. God damn it, Mahoney. All right, now let's slowly make our way back down

from the dome by going backwards on the sticky banded adhesive. I think I should return these

suction cups.

Tyler: I think so, too.

O'Neil: We took our time making our way down the sphere. It took a bit longer than expected

because, well, Detective McCracker is afraid of heights.

Olivia: Fuck it. So high. Why do they build these buildings so big?

O'Neil: Eventually, we got back down to the bottom of the bellagio, where we saw an unsightly,


Tyler: My God, Chris tingles dead again.

Olivia: Hold on. Okay, wait, hold on. The emTs, aren't here yet. I'm gonna check his pulse. Oh,

God, there's so many jets and things I have to dodge. Good thing I know how to swim here in the


O'Neil: Detective McCracker got to Chris tingle.

Olivia: There's no pulse. But wait, his neck, it's all floppy and stiff. Oh, my God, it's a mask.

Oh, my God, it's a mask. Oh, my God, it's penn from Penn and Teller.

Tyler: Oh, no.

Olivia: But it's happening here? Why are so many magicians dying tonight?

Tyler: My God.

O'Neil: Detective Mahoney, did you check the other body to see if it was also a mask?

Tyler: I did not, detective Cage. Cause I'm not a fucking psychopath.

O'Neil: Well, you are a detective, Mahoney, so I would have figured you would do your goddamn job.

Olivia: Hold on. I'm gonna drag the body out by the collar in a very undignified manner, so slosh

him. Oh, God. Oh, he lost his shoe to one of the jets. Oh, that's so sad. Oh, and he's wearing his

funny little Christmas socks, too. They're little weena dogs with heads. Oh, no.

O'Neil: So we have two dead bodies on our hand, one with a hoof print in its chest and spiky candy

cane shards and another one pushed from the top of the bellagio. What I'm trying to figure out,

gents, is how are the sticky bandits in all this?

Tyler: You'd think if the sticky bandits were involved, then then Ben would have been stuck to the

top of the bellagio.

Olivia: Maybe they're working in, cahoots with Krampus. He seems like a pretty sticky guy to me.

Tyler: Listen, as much as I talk shit, Krampus is a stand up guy. I think he's good for Sarah.

Olivia: You're the one who pinned this on Krampus in the first place. What's your new hunch?

Tyler: My new hunch is that Bono, the lead singer of U two, said that there were multiple

sets of footprints on the roof of Ben and Tella's green room.

O'Neil: Well, let's go back and reinvestigate the original scene of the crime as we, as we sprint

our way over there. Guys, Bono said there were multiple foot sounds on the top of the Rio. The top

of the Rio. Eight maids. We gotta get up there.

Olivia: What are you saying?

Tyler: Listen, I'm a cop, so I don't know these things. What are these, what is the word? But it's

the word for when you find, someone suspicious based on their appearance as a cop?

Olivia: Profiling racism.

O'Neil: Let's move on back to the top of the rear.

Tyler: Profiling. I think you were profiling the eight maids.

Olivia: How fucking dare you? I have.

Tyler: My wife is an eight maids of milkin.

O'Neil: First, let's go check the original body. We made our way back to Penn and Tella's green

room before we could find the ladder to access the roof, and what we discovered was unsettling.

Olivia: Oh, my God, it's teller.

Tyler: So that means Christingle isn't Chris tinkles. That means my tickets for next Wednesday's

show are still valid.

O'Neil: Detectives, I'm smelling something mighty fishy, and it isn't the buffet.

Olivia: It wasn't one of the twelve fishes of Christmas dinner. No, sorry, it's a very italian


O'Neil: Let's make our way to the roof quick.

Olivia: Do you think I could, be at the bottom of the ladder this time, detective?

O'Neil: fine. Just hold it steady so that way, Detective Mahoney and I can make it to the top


Olivia: I can definitely do that.

O'Neil: And keep an eye on the body. I don't want any funny business happening.

Olivia: Absolutely.

Tyler: As I start to go up to the ladder, I think to myself, McCracker. What an asshole.

Olivia: And as I'm holding the bottom of the ladder and I'm looking at my colleagues climbing up

this ladder, and I go, damn, what a pair of asses.

O'Neil: And as I'm making my way up to the top of the ladder, I am thinking, man, I

would have loved to talk to those eight maids.

Olivia: And as I'm looking at my colleague's sweet,


Olivia: rotund backsides, I black out.

Tyler: And as I think about the eight maids of milking.

O'Neil: Wait.

Tyler: I think about how the holidays can get lonely sometimes. Now that Sarah's with Krampus, I

don't have many people around and as.

O'Neil: I feel something wet on my cheek, I think, is detective Mahoney crying up there? What's

going on?

Tyler: As we reach the top of the rio, we suddenly realize there's shit all over the floor. That's

what we're smelling.

O'Neil: Detective Mahoney, you live one ripper. Oh, my God. Detective McCracker. Wait. Detective

Mahoney. Detective McCracker's falling asleep. Detective McCracker. No sleeping on the job.

Olivia: sorry. Something hit me in the back of the head. Oh, God. What's up there?

Tyler: A whole lot of shit.

Olivia: Okay, hold on. Come up. it's, pebbly in nature, rather large. Some sort of ungulate, maybe.

Tyler: What kind of fucking college word are you talking about? McCracker?

Olivia: It's a fucking reindeer, Mahoney. All right, sometimes you're a minor in biology in

college, and then you go into law enforcement, because things change, Mahoney.

You're not the only person who's ever shed a tear.

O'Neil: Guys, can we stop fighting? We have a murder to solve.

Tyler: I knew it was too good to be true. I knew it couldn't be Krampus.

Olivia: So we got reindeer shit up here. What the fuck does that mean? This case is getting wacky

by the fucking second.

Tyler: He bought my mom a better Christmas gift than I did last year.

O'Neil: Detective Mahoney, get it together. Detective McCracker. Wake up.

Tyler: I'm sorry. This case is just starting to get to me, boss.

O'Neil: It's time to put all of our thinking caps together. What do we know so far? We know that we

got two magicians, Penn and Teller, dead, disguised as Chris.

Olivia: Tingle in hyper realistic latex masks.

O'Neil: We got Bono doing Booger candy with what he thought was Chris Tingle and.

Tyler: Reindeer, on the road, roof of the Brio hotel.

Olivia: But, boys, it was not hard to get up here with this ladder. Maybe. Maybe the real Chris

Tingle was able to, you know, head out.

Tyler: You think Chris Tingle was framing Rudolph?

Olivia: I think Mister Bono of the band utune might not be telling the whole truth. Cause I still

haven't found what I'm looking for.

Tyler: Well, McGradky, I know where, we can find him. Where? The streets have no name. It does.

There is a name. He's on Las Vegas Boulevard. It's called lasagna.

O'Neil: I'm sorry.

Tyler: I was just trying to get involved. I wanted to be a part of something.

Olivia: It's okay. You're part of a police family.

O'Neil: Do you guys think we need to clean this up, or do you think the. Let's get down, then I'm

gonna take.

Olivia: A sample of this just as evidence.

O'Neil: Why'd you put it in your mouth? Spit it out.

Olivia: I did not put it in my mouth. I have a plastic bag around my hand, sort of glove style.

O'Neil: I Saw you pick it up. I, saw you sneak it into your mouth. It's not chocolate. Spit it out.

No, that's evidence, detective.

Olivia: Yeah, okay. Sometimes evidence gets lost to the shovel, Cage. All right? Mind your fucking


O'Neil: Is it chocolate or is it shit?

Tyler: Cage. Cage. Cage.

Olivia: Cage. So I don't really know what's going.

Tyler: On for a second over here, Cage. I think I think we better. I think we better let McCracker

have this one. Something tells me McCracken needs this. McCracken's going to McCrack. You know what

I mean?

O'Neil: Okay. All right. as we made our way back to the sphere to find Bono, I thought to myself,

am I really the most sane one here? Mahoney wouldn't stop crying the entire way over. McCracker was

just making smacking. Sounds like he just finished a delicious meal.

Tyler: I miss you so much.

O'Neil: I gotta get new partners. We make our way back to where the streets have no name because,

well, they're a hologram inside the sphere.

Tyler: Oi. What are you, buddy? What I've gotta go on stage and perform in front of these thousands

of people? What are what are you three doing here?

O'Neil: Bono, we'd like to have a few words with you. You, about your involvement in this case.

Tyler: Oh, you better make the word short, lassie. Cause I'm gonna rip you a right now. And if you

don't let me get on this stage right quick here, you know?

Olivia: Aye, Bono, it's me, the edge. Another member of the bed u two.

Tyler: Hi, the edge. What's going on, mate?

Olivia: Maybe you should be checking, Detective McCracker's, jacket. What do you mean, my jacket?

Tyler: Huh?

Olivia: Huh? Oh, my God. There's a peppermint pipe bomb strapped in my chest.

Tyler: That's right. And I'll set it off too, if you don't let me play on stage in front of all

these people. With my best friend, Chris tingle, who's secretly the edge.

O'Neil: Are you ready to ride?

Tyler: I don't think that's how we normally start our shows. I'm gonna have to talk to Bruce Bruce

Buffer about that. It


Tyler: normally starts with, like, a cuz guitarist, you know, kind of wistful.

Olivia: But listen, cage. All, right. Listen, Mahoney.

Tyler: It's me, the edge, still, who's also Chris tingle.

Olivia: It's me, Chris tingle. All right, listen up. If you boys try anything funny, I blow

McCracken a smither. All right, drop the case.

Tyler: It's always been Chris's dream to perform on stage at the sphere. But it's a our contract

that no magicians are allowed on stage. And that when I heard Penn and Teller were angling in on

getting in to be the first magicians to play at the sphere, I said no.

O'Neil: The situation seemed dire, but little did they know that Detective Nicolas Cage had a

little trick up his sleeve.

Tyler: Why are you reaching into your back pants pocket?

O'Neil: Hands in the air. Nobody moves.

Tyler: God, he's got a gun. I didn't know you were a cop.

Olivia: I didn't know cops carried guns.

Tyler: They don't have guns in Ireland.

Olivia: Only the IRA has those.

O'Neil: You both are under arrest for the murder of Penn and Teller on all of us.

Tyler: All the smithereens. Don't think I won't.

Olivia: And as I watch Cage's gun deploy bullets into the body of Bono from U two and the edge,

also known as Chris Tingle. I couldn't help but thinking this is what Christmas is really about.

But also I have a pipe bomb attached to my body and I'm a little concerned about the repercussions

of killing the person with the detonator.

O'Neil: Detective Mahoney, quit your crying and deactivate

Tyler: The Edge!

Tyler: The Egde! He's going for the controller. Mahoney and the edge both dive for the controller

at the same time, wrestling for control. His McCracker looks on in horror.

Cage can do nothing as he points his gun at the edge. But then they do the thing where they keep

rolling back and forth and Cage can't get a clean shot.

Olivia: Cage, listen to me. And I grab the front of his shirt and I go. Cage, listen to me. There's

no way out of this for me. I know. There's gotta be a sleigh with reindeer on top of this fucking

sphere. If I can get up there, alright, I can get on that sleigh and fly out of

here, the bubble to detonate over Vegas and everyone will be safe. Just tell me. Tell me you'll

take care of Mahoney.

O'Neil: I thought to myself in this very intense moment, that definitely was not chocolate.

Olivia: Promise me, Cage,

O'Neil: Get out there, McCracken. M go save the day.

Olivia: Time to overcome my fear, mates. And as I started climbing, climbing higher than I ever

climbed before. Even though I was climbing the sphere earlier, this seemed almost insurmountable as

I Saw you two's getaway slay, pulled by eight tiny reindeer just shitting all over the place. And I

thought, maybe in another life I have a little taste. But the only thing I'm gonna

Olivia: taste

Olivia: tonight, is nitroglycerin.

Tyler: And candy canes.

Olivia: And I said, merry Christmas to all, and to all a, good. Well, you know what they say, what

happens in Vegas at Christmas stays in Vegas at Christmas, stays in Vegas at Christmas. And I flew

that damn sleigh over Las Vegas Boulevard.

O'Neil: as I Saw Detective McCracker flying, I thought it was. It was a beautiful sight, flying

higher than he'd ever flown before. and I thought to myself, it'd be a waste to lose

such a good detective, and Mahoney honestly needs to be put down. So I did the only good thing a

detective would do. I let loose. I shot them both. fly high, McCracker, fly high.

Olivia: And as the edges hand lays dying in a dramatic, slow motion descent, it lands on the

detonator. And light unlike anything like the sun. Star of Bethlehem. A light in the Las Vegas

Strip in a light show. Better than the bellagio, better than anything you've ever seen in Vegas.

Tyler: That's it. Who give the King. As I finished singing little drummer Boy while Nicolas Cage

smoked the edge, I thought to myself, this is my chance. And I picked up the edge's guitar and went

out on stage.


Tyler: I walk up to the microphone, hot, throwing. We've just murdered you, too.

Olivia: And the entire crowd erupts.

Tyler: Rory is cheering your next Sean pen. And I point into the front row, and then I launch into

the sick guitar riff at the start of where the streets have no name and the rest of the band

accompanies me. And that's the story of how I won Sarah back from Krampus.

Olivia: And as we end our tale, we find out who slayed Chris Tingle, our very own, Detective

Nicolas Cage. But in a deeper, profound sense, we.

Tyler: Found that this story has as many endings as lord of the Rings, that.

Olivia: It was Nicolas Cage who killed Chris Tingle, who was being the edge while working in

cahoots with Bono, but had framed Penn and Teller as both Chris Tingle.

Tyler: No, he killed. No, wait. No, you got confused. He killed Penn and Teller because they wanted

to be the first. I thought we killed Sten and Teller.

O'Neil: I'm confused now.

Tyler: I thought, no, no, no. Bono killed because they were honing in on his best friend Chris

Tingle's magic act to be the first.

O'Neil: I thought Chris tingle was playing Bono.

Tyler: He was the edge. Bono is Bono.

Olivia: All right, boys, that's enough. That's none of the Christmas spirit of you both. Let's stop

fighting in cage. Invite Mahoney over for Christmas dinner. He's in need of it. I think he needs

this private place to make a very special photo.

O'Neil: Is this the ghost of Christmas future? A detective?

Olivia: You two stole my sleigh, and I was sitting in the front row.

Tyler: Who killed my show bar? You killed my friend, Sean Penn.

Olivia: My lifelong friend, Sean Penn.

O'Neil: Do I still get Christmas presents?

Olivia: Of course, Cage. You've been a very good boy. Amy, I know what I mean.

Tyler: Why are, ah, you rubbing your nipples?

O'Neil: That was who, Slades.

Olivia: I like to win.

O'Neil: Who slayed us in this improv sketch? Goodnight.

Olivia: Happy holidays.

Tyler: I'm sorry. This one was so much more low effort than a holiday trip. Are you kidding me?

Olivia: That was the performance of my life. All right, well, thanks for listening to who slayed.

Who knows if this fucking worked?

O'Neil: But we promise we won't be doing it ever again.

Olivia: Sometimes, hey, sometimes it's, you know, the thought that counts. And sometimes you have

to hand make a gift, and that's kind of what we did this Christmas.

O'Neil: And sometimes they turn out m great. And sometimes they turn out like, who's

played? And it's fine.

Olivia: It's fine. We're having fun.

Tyler: You don't come listen for the consistent quality of content.

Olivia: No. Absolutely.

O'Neil: No, not at all. thank you for listening to this episode of who slayed. We'll be back in the

new year with new podcasts, new innovations, new pitches, new process. new pelvises, new

appendices, new pee pee, new poopoo. New podcasts.

Olivia: Oh, my God, I'm getting my appendix back.

Tyler: In the new year on Christmas when you kiss me slow under the mistletoe on Christmas

Christmas on Christmas m.



Hollywood Jr. | Episode 3: RENAISSANCE: A FILM BY BEYONCÉ (and Many Others!) Plus our Timed Top 5s of 2023!


Pitches - Episode 27: Crimes and Hobbies